Horstman Charles, ship joiner, e side Ann st n of Bank
Horton Henry P. fire engine hose manufacturer, 27 n Frederick
st. dw 59 Pitt
Horton John S. engraver, over s e cor South and Baltimore sts,
dw Chatsworth st n of Biddle
Horwitz O attorney at law, North st n of Post office
Horwitz Dr. J. corner Baltimore and Temple sts
Horwitz T. B. com ml. w side Frederick st 4 doors s of Baltimore
Hosack David, tanner, Harford av n of Madison st
Hoshter John, cooper, e side Exeter st s of French
Horze F. & Son, shoe store, e side Hanover st 1 door s of Pratt
Horze F. sen. of firm, dw Hanover st n of Sugar alley
Horze F. jr. of firm, dw Henrietta st 1 door e of Hanover
Hoskspringer David, pedlar, 27 Fleet st
Hosier John, blacksmith, Gough st e of Caroline
Hosmer Albert N, potier, Baltimore st w of Spring
Hoss Valentine, labourer, adjoinhig Telegraph, Federal Hill
Hoss John F. architect and builder, cor High and Lombard sts
Hossefross Mary, Sarah Ann st e of Poppleton
Hotchkiss J. P. firm Merrill & Hotchkiss, Franklin st e of Chas,
Hotmere Henry, victualler, Hoffman st near Penn avenue
Hotmere Richard, do do do
Hottman Henry, tailor, Amity st n of Lexington
Houber Philip, tailor, 55 Centre market space
Houck Henry, boarding house, 28 n Eutaw st
Houck Jacob, prop. Houck's Panacea, 16 Hanover st—see ad-!
advertisement page 28
Hough S. & R. wholesale grocers, Pratt st wharf
Hough Robert, of firm, dw 116 Hanover st
Hough Charles A. watch and clock maker, 264 w Pratt st
Hough Mrs. seamstress, Marion st e of Eutaw
Houghton mrs Mary H, milliner, 25 n Charles st
Houlton Wm. firm Williams & Houlton, cor Exeter and Hillen
House Samuel & Son, lumber and coal merchants, s w corner
Barry st and Light st wharf
House Wm. A. of firm, dw n side Camden st between Charles
and Hanover
House Samuel, of firm, s side Camden st cor Bradford alley
House Thomas J. lumber mt. n w cor Paca and Saratoga sts
House Samuel, jr. s e cor Greene and Mulberry sts
House John, grocer, cor Eden and Wilk sts
Houseman mrs Elizabeth, Hill st e of Sharp
Housen Henry, tailor, President st n of Wilk
Houston Saml. T. clerk, Franklin st 2 doors e of Greene
Houston James F. Biddle st near Ross
Houston mrs Mason Preston st near Ross
Houyson Ann G ess, w side Potter st s of Hillen
Howard James, w side Eutaw st near Madison
Howard D, Carvel, cor Park and Saratoga sts
Howard Factory, (tannery,) North st opposite the jail, George
& Son, proprietors