Holmes John E. gilder, 64 n Frederick st
Holmes James, cor Charles and Conway sts
Holmes Moses, lottery and exchange broker, 5 n Calvert st—at
the corner of the City Hotel—see advertisement page 13
Holmes Elizabeth, cor Bank st and Strawberry alley
Holmes Mrs Elizabeth, 10 Jackson's court betw Saratoga and
Lexington sts. e of Rock
Holmes Wm. brass founder, Philpot st w of Thames
Holmes James, machinist, Eden st n of Holland
Holmes Richard, n e cor Green and Mulberry sts
Holmes Richard, grocer, Penn av cor Union st
Holmes Ann Maria, tailoress, w side High st n of Pitt
Holmes Mrs Ann, Carpenter's al e of Paca st
Holmeyer ——, ostler, s e cor Douglass and Potter sts
Holste P. drawing and painting teacher, 61 Lombard st
Holstein Miss E. dress maker, Saratoga st beiw Liberty & Park
Holstein Miss E. dress maker, Pearl st n of Park lane
Holsten John, miller, Cove st n of Lexington
Holt Aaaron, drv goods mt. 604 w Lexiugton st. dw George st
e of Biddle
Holt E. carpet weaver, alley 3 doors from Madison st e of Ensor
Holt Geo. H. hatter, 9 w Pratt st, dw Columbia st w of Green
Holt & Maltby, proprietors of "Western Oyster line" office, w
Falls av s end
Holt Daniel, firm ditto, dw cor High and Trinity sts
Holler Lewis, wood ware manuf. n side Gay st e of Front
Holtever Henry, cooper, Conway st w of L Paca
Holton David, n side Hillen st w of High
Holton John, com. and tobacco mt. 20 Light st wharf
Holtz Emanuel, paper hanger, 85 1/2 n Howard st
Holtze F, blacksmith, intersection of Harford av and Aisquith st
Holtzman Wm. Marion st e of Eutaw
Holtzman Thomas, runuer in Farmers' and Merchants' Bank,
dw Pearl st n of Saratoga
Holtzman George, tailor, over 177 1/ Baltimore st
Holway Joseph B. tallow chandler, Stiles st w of Albemarle
Home T. bricklayer, Comet st w of Aisquith
Homer Thomas, "tobacconist, L Paca st n of Burgundy al
Homers Sally, 4 Caroline st n of Fleet
Honn Wm. cabinetmaker, Marion st near Liberty
Hood Charles, shoemaker, s w cor Exeter and Low sts
Hoofnagle Wm. moulder, McHenry al e of Poppleton st
Hoofnagle Mrs Lydia, Armistead lane, e of Light st
Hoogland B. e side Constitution st s of Monument
Hook Henry, painter, Lexington st e of Howard, dw e side
Paca st s of Franklin
Hook Elizabeth, 31 n Exeter st
Hook Mary, tailoress, George st w of Penn av
Hook Paul, labourer, adjoining Telegraph, F H
Hook Joseph, Cove st n of Franklin
Hook John, tailor, w side Eutaw st near Madison