Hance Seth S. apothecary and druggist, n e cor Chas. and Pratt
Hancock A. collector, Holland st e of Canal
Hancock Mary Ann, cor Pratt and Gough sts
Hand Alex. shoemaker, 48 n Eutaw st
Hand Thomas R. accountant, w side Penn avenue n of Pearls
Hand Henry, watchman, Gough st near Wolfe
Handler John, carter, Charles st n of West
Hands Washington, sea capt 19 n Exeter st
Hands Abitha, w side Exeter st s of Low
Handy Samuel J. K. attorney at law, 11 Law Buildings, dw n
corner Eutaw and Mulberry sts
Handy ———— woodsawyer, n side Hillen st w of High
Handy James, sawyer, s side Addison st w of High
Handy Samuel, shoemaker, Lee st w of Sharp
Handy Edward H. shoemaker, Charles st n of York
Handy Dr. Wm. W. w Pratt st e of Sharp
Handy Dr. Jesse, Eutaw st n of Pratt
Handy Dr. W. R. Pratt st e of Exeter
Hane H. C. tobacconist, Penn avenne near Union st
Hanes George W. Pine st s of Franklin
Haney Wm. watchman, Peach alley w of Pearl
Haney mrs Sarah, butter dealer, Henrietta st e of Charles
Hank Rev. W. Penn avenue, Whatcoat Chapel
Hankey Joseph, commission merchant, cor Spear's wharf at
Pratt st. coal yard w Falls av. dw High st s of Lombard
Hanley Valentine, e side Paca st s of Franklin
Hann Adolphus, cooper, Park st s of Lexington
Hanna mrs P. agent for Belvidere Dairy, Fayette st e of St Paul
Hanna Wm. clerk, Centre st e of Howard
Hanna George, store keeper, cor Monument and Spring sts
Hanna Wm. labourer, e side Potter st s of French
Hanna James, grocer, cor Stiles and Slemmer alley
Hanna capt Alexander, Market st n of Fleet
Hannan John, attorney at law, Fayette st 1 door e of St Paul
dw s w cor High and Pratt
Hanney &. McDowell, merchant tailors, 62 w Pratt st
Hanney Henry, of firm, dw Camden st 3 doors e of Paca
Hanson John F. boot and shoemaker, 12 Holliday st. dw Co-
in Charles st betw Barre and Conway
Hanson George H. shoemaker, e side Potter st n of Pitt
Hanson mrs Margaret, boarding house, Pratt st w of Sharp
Hanson John, comb maker, House's court, s of Conway st w
Hanson Wm, H. Lombard st opposite Lloyd [Charles
Hanson Wm. E. Lombard st opposite Lloyd
Hanson Thomas, commission mt. 7 Light st wharf, dw Pratt
Hanzsche J. T. printer and bookseller, 30 Baltimore st
Hanzsche John G. grocer, n e cor Howard and Conway sts
Hapgood G. T. gunsmith, Lombard st e of Bond
Harandy John, Franklin Coffee House, Second st e of South
Harbaugh Jerome, coachmaker, Canal st n of Orleans
Harbaugh Benjamin, collector, w side Exeter st n of Pitt