Hamilton mrs Ann, Hill st e of Sharp
Hamilton John, ice dealer, Richmond st e of Tyson
amilton Evan, wire store, corner Howard and German sts. dw
Lombard e of Cove
Hamilton Mrs. Tyson alley near Cathedral st
Hamilton Ann Maria, w side Bond st s of Alice Anna
Hamilton Robert, carpenter, Cove st n of Saratoga
Hamilton Oliver, dry goods mt. 65 Baltimore st. dw 78 French
Hamilton Joseph, carter, Baltimore st w of Pine
Hamilton Hugh, carter, Baltimore st w of Pine
Hamilton James, Baltimore st w of Poppleton
Hamilton Rev. Matthew G. at Daniel Dail's, High st n of Will
Hamilton Rev. Wm. Aisquith st n of Jackson
Hamilton James, bacon dealer, Canal st s of Monument
Hamilton Ann, washer, French st nearly opposite East
Hamilton Wm. grocer, n side Ensor st e of Forest
Hamilton Robert, grocer, Camden st e of Sharp
Hamden J. S. proprietor of rum distillery, Canton, Harris's creek
dw Pratt st near Exeter
Hamlin J. S. com mt. Pratt st e of Exeter
Hammel John, carpenter, Alice Anna st e of Bond
Hammer mrs Jane A. preceptress, Fayette st w of Pine
Hammer Jacob, cooper, e side Exeter st s of French
Hammer Gerhard, ornamental hairdresser, 28 n Howard st
Hammer Andrew, whip and cane maker, High st s of French
Hammer Mary, grocer, s side Hillen st w of High
Hammer D. confectioner, Penn avenue near Biddle st
Hammin John, labourer, 19 Thames st
Hammond Charles, dw Fayette st e of Cove
Hammond James, Charles st Spring court
Hammond Joseph, Montgomery st w of Light
Hammond Vachel, grocery and feed store, n e corner Howard
and Franklin sts
Hmmond Joseph, tailor, Montgomery st w of Light
Hammond Mrs. whitewashes lot n of Sarah Ann e of Schroeder
Hammond & Porter, china, glass and queensware, 204 Balt, st
Hammond miss Sally, 91 n Paca st
Hammond John L. property agent, Second st next Exe. buil'g
Harnmond Ormond, German st e of Pine
Hammond Rudolph, York st w of Light
Hammond John, pedlar, Camden st w of Light
Hammond Wm. D. saddler, 27 w Pratt st
Hamner Rev. J. G. pastor 5th Presbyterian church, Hanover 81
2d door s of Uhler's alley
Hanasley David, shoemaker, Hill st e of Sharp
Hampson A. J. grocer, St Paul st cor Church lane
Hampton Levi, sweep master, George st e of Pine
Hampton Jesse, carpenter, Low st e of Forest
Hanah Wm. labourer, e side Potter st s of French
Hance S. &, Co. dry goods store, 31 w Pratt st
Hance Jas. shoe store, 70 w Lexington st. dw Columbia st