Harden Wm. dry goods mt. 62 1/2 Lexington st cor Kimmel alley
Harden John, Baltimore st e of Wansbeck
Harden mrs Ann, Harford avenue n of Madison st
Harden mrs Maria, 62 Camden st
Hardester, Hooper & Co. sailmakers, 99 South st
Hardester Benjamin, of firm, Pratt st e of Exeter
Hardester Jno. J. Front st n of Pitt, dw cor Baltimore & Caroline
Hardesty Richard S. firm Marriott & Hardesty, dw Lombard
st w of Paca
Hardesty Henry, jr. Barre st w of Hanover
Hardesty Charles R. tobacco merchant, 13 Light st wharf, dw
s w cor Barre and Charles sts
Hardesty Sarah, seamstress, w Water st e of Grant
Hardie Robert, 119 Baltimore st
Harding miss Mary, milliner, 52 n Liberty st
Harding Walter E. grocer and commission merchant, 75 cor Cal-
vert st and Cheapside, dw Pratt w of Canal
Harding Wm. W. w side Potter st s of Douglass
Harding P. T. clerk, Charles st n of Barre
Hardister David, engineer, Bond st n of Pitt
Hardister James, Dewbury alley near Baltimore st
Hardisty John, hackman, Canal st s of Gay
Hardisty H. w side Exeter st n of Low
Hardtner Jacob, tavern, Camden st e Of Charles
Hardtz Aaron, watchman, 91 Bond st
Hardy mrs Priscilla, cor Saratoga and Rock sts
Hardy John D. merchant tailor, 27 n Liberty st
Hardy mrs Ann, Pine st n of Mulberry
Hardy John, butcher, Baltimore st e of Gilmer
Hardy Wm. gate keeper Green Mount Cemetery, e side York
avenue n of Madison st
Hardy Wm. carter, cor Hollins and Amity sts
Hardy John, carter, Poppleton st s of McHenry alley
Hardy Hugh M. carter, Poppleton st s of McHenry alley
Hare Wm. portrait painter, Baltimore st w of Temple
Hare Thomas, Forest st n of Madison
Harford Washington, proprietor of Belvidere tavern, at Belvi-
dere bridge, North st
Harford Michael, mariner, Ann st n of Fleet
Hargrove Wm. H. painter, Pearl st s of Lexington
Harig John, stove maker, cor Hanover and Hill sts. dw Hill e of
Harken Henry, carpenter, High st n of Stiles
Harker John, Harford avenue n of Aisquith st
Harker Frederick C. labourer, Howard st n of Hill
Harker John J. carpenter, intersection Harford av and Aisquith st
Harker Jas. grocery & feed store, int. Harford av and Aisquith st
Harker Samuel, clerk city collector's office, Hillen st w of Potter
Harker James, carpenter, York avenue n of Madison st
Harkercamp Charles, 69 Bond st
Harkins Giles, shoemaker, Stiles st w of Canal