Hall Nathaniel, chocolate factory, near cor Pitt and Caroline sts
dw Pitt st w of Bond
Hall miss Charlotte, Aisquith st n of Orleans
Hall ———— blacksmith, Harford arenue n of Ensor st
Hall mrs Harriet, Canal st n of Jefferson
Hall James, ship builder, Eden st n of Pitt
Hall P. s side French st e of Bath
Hall Israel, shoemaker, s side French st e of Bath
Hail Alfred, cooper, 28 n Exeter st
Hall George, cooper, Cider alley w of Paca st
Hall Wm. W. attorney at law, Con way st e of L Greene
Hall Washington, 4 Spear's wharf, dw Barre st e of Sharp
Hall Levin, Lee st e of Howard st
Hall James, blacksmith, Armistead lane e of Light st
Hall Thomas, firm Hall & Stewart, dw Sharp st s of Conway
Hall Jane, cor Caroline st and Hammond alley
Hall Nathaniel H. firm Henry Boss & Co. dw 7 Bond st
Hail Wells, Thames st e of Market
Hall John, shipwright, Fleet st e of Ann
Haller Thomas, printer, Baltimore st e of Poppleton
Halliday, Robert, gardener, e side Penn av cor Dolphin st
Hallis Wm. carter, Saratoga st 2 doors w of Poppleton
Halmer John, Orleans st extended
Halwadt Chas, of Mechanics' Bank, dw over the bank, cor Fay-
ette and Calvert
Ham Francis, cooper, Canal st s of Gough
Hambleton & Dunham, dry goods mts. 225 Baltimore st
Hambleton Thos. E. H. of firm, dw 36 n Eutaw st
Hambleton James, morocco dresser, Jefferson st w of Spring
Hambly mrs Deborah, Lee st e of Howard
Hamburger A. clothing store, 90i Harrison st
Hamelin Francis, hat and military cap man. 47 Bond st
Hamel John, shoemaker, e side Grant st n of Lombard
Hamelt John, e side Ann st s of Alice Anna
Hamer Richard, Holliday st s of Pleasant
Hamer Wm. H. fruiterer, cor Pratt st and Cheapside, dw Ex-
eter st n of Wilk
Hamill Alex. plaster mill, Dugan's wharf, dw Pratt st w of Bond
Hamill Robert, Madison st w of Sterling
Hamill V. cooper, e side York avenue cor Monument st
Hamill James, grocery and feed store, n w cor High and Balt
Hamilton John, 79 Lexington st e of Liberty
Hamilton James, Jr. grocer and com mt. cor Pratt st and Frank-
lin lane, dw Pratt w of Charles
Hamilton Mrs. milliner, 79 Lexington st e of Liberty
Hamilton Maxwell, brickmaker, Columbia st w of Cove
Hamilton Wm. teacher, Saratoga st w of St Paul
Hamilton Sarah, seamstress, Forest st s of Madison
Hamilton John, wheelwright, Chatsworth st n of Saratoga
Hamilton James, mariner, Ann st n of Fleet
Hamilton James, of Custom house, Sarah Ann st e of Poppleton