Guildener mrs Hannah, n w cor Clay and Liberty sts
Guiton Wm. cabinet maker, 74 n Howard st
Guiton Wm. grocer, corner Gay and Potter sts—successor to
J. Amos
Gumbo ———— gardener, Scott st n of West
Gumhauser John, shoemaker. Wolf alley n of Conway st
Gumpp Simon, cor Ann and Lancaster sts
Gunby mrs Mary, tailoress, Orleans st w of Canal
Gunby capt James, e side Ann st n of Thames
Gunn mrs Ann, Columbia ste of Scott
Gunn Mrs. boarding house, e side Howard st betw German and
Gunn Dr. J. P. Howard st n of Lombard [Lombard
Gunnison Wm. com mt. 101 Bowly's wharf, dw Mulberry st e
of Lerew's alley
Gunpowder (Bait.) Co's office, 16 n Frederick st. J. Jamison, pres.
Guntlach George, shoemaker, Conway fit w of Howard
Gurbers Christian, mead manufacturer, 41 w Pratt st
Gurney Gridley, shoemaker, Eden st s of Holland
Guthrie Joseph, mariner, Fleet st e of Anne
Guy Wm. & John, jr. Monument house, corner Fayette st and
Monument square
Guy James R. drayman, French st opp East
Guyer Rev. John, at C. H. Cole's, Columbia st e of Cove
Guyer John J. shoemaker, York st e of Hanover
Guyton & Hyde, dry goods dealers, 58 Hanover st
Gwinn Hannah, n e cor Hillen and Exeter sts
Gwynn mrs Charles, 60 n Charles st
Gwynn Wm. attorney at law, Courtland st cor Dark lane
Gwynn Charles, firm Sangston, Whitely & Co. dw w side Sharp
st betw Camden and Hanover
Gwynn Wm. engineer. Baltimore st e of Republican
H. AARHOLD Fredk. cabinet maker, Orchard st near Ross
Habberset Wm. carpenter, w side Potter st n of Gay, dw Lex-
ington st e of Pine
Habbersett Henry, hotel, e side High st s of Gay
Habersham Wm! com mt. w side Frederick st n of Pratt, board-
ing Exchange hotel
Haborn Henry, shoemaker, Cove st n of Franklin
Hachtel Leonhardt, shoemaker, York st e of Charles
Hack Andrew & Sons, grocers, 34 n Howard st. dw Lexington
betw Pine and Cove
[Hack & Ruthrauff, wholesole dry goods mts. 266 Baltimore st
Hack Frederick, of firm, dw Pine st n of Raborg
Hack mrs Ann Maria, "American House," 40 w Pratt St
Hacke Nicholas, sugar refiner, alley betw Gay and Monument
sts. running from Aisquith to Molt
Hackney Mary A. tailoress, George st w of Penn, avenue
Hackney Wm. cooper, Ross st near Biddle
Hackstaff E. H. 37 Baltimore st
Hacner Valentine, gardener, cor Schroeder and Hollins sts