Groon Mary, Strawberry al s of Fleet st
Groover Martin, carter, Perry st w of Howard
Grooves John, pocket book maker, Neighbor st betw York and
Harford avenues
Groscup Joseph M. grocer, tea, wine and liquor mt. n w cor
Harrison and Baltimore sts. dw w side Front st s of Low
Groscup F. tavern, Lombard st n side w of Market space
Gross Christian, tinner, 80 Harrison st
Gross Lewis, locksmith, s side Low st e of Front, dw w side
High st n of Pitt
Gross John, tin and sheet iron worker, 64 Howard st cor Clay.
dw Mulberry st near Pine
Gross Cornelius, Pratt st extended
Gross Michael, carpenter, dw Madison st near Biddle
Gross Wm. stone mason, Ross st extended
Gross Lewis, jr. com. mt. 2 Spear's wharf, 2d floor
Gross R. C. carpenter, n side Carpenter's al 1 door e of Eutaw
Gross Geo. W. blacksmith, Baltimore st near Cove
Gross Mary, washer, Lerew's al s of Franklin st
Gross John I. auctioneer and com. mt. w side Front st 2d door
n of Gay, and over s w cor Gay and Front
Gross Mrs R. milliner, s side Gay st near the Bridge
Gross Wm. fish dealer, w side Ensor st 1 door n of Madison
Gross Jacob, com. mt. dw s side Gay st near the Bridge
Grottz Peter, 73 Bond st
Grove Jacob F. 21 s Charles st. commission paper warehouse
successor to Otis Spear—see advertisement, page 19
Grove Mrs. w side Green st n of Fayette
Grover Jacob, Canal st e side s of Orleans
Groverman A. 83 s Sharp st
Groves Mrs C. Mulberry st vv of Pearl
Grubb John, cedar cooper, alley s of Biddle st near Ross
Grubb G. cedar cooper, 293 Baltimore st. dw German e of Pine
Grubb Wm. morocco dresser, n side Hillen st w of Front—set
advertisement, page 15
Grubb John, Hamburg st w of William
Grubbs Thomas B. confectioner, cor Pratt and Howard sts
Gruber Martin, carter, Perry st w ol Howard
Gruber Jacob, blacksmith, William st s of Hughes
Gruber Jacob, 105 Camden st
Gruver & Costalay, cedar coopers, Franklin st 1 door e ef Paca
Gruver Geo. dw Paca st n of Franklin
Guckart John, carter, Eden st s of Bank
Gudgeon Wm. seaman, Hill st e of Charles
Guekart John, carter, Eden st s of Bank
Guerand F. dyer and scourer, 102 n Howard st—see adv. p 6
Guerdon mrs Sarah, 119 s Sharp st
Guest Henry, labourer, Sarah Ann st e of Cove
Guest Samuel, collector, Lee st w of Hanover
Guest Rev. Job, preacher in charge of city station M. E. church
Wine st rear of Light st church