Hadaway Oakley, shipwright, cor Gough and Eden sts
Hadaway Albert, mariner, w side Spring st n of Bank
Hadley Wesley, cabinet maker, Raborg st e of Cove
Hadley Mary, 6 Block st
Haesbaert Rev. John, pastor 2d German Lutheran church, dw
14 Lexington st w of Charles
Hagan Charles, fruit dealer, s w cor Sharp and Baltimore sts
Hagan Charles, labourer, Sterling st n of Monument
Hagan Owen, liquor store, Bank st e of Exeter
Hagan Mark, grocer, cor Wilk and Spring sts
Hagan Michael, Raborg st e of Schroeder
Hagan Dennis, labourer, Pierce st w of Cove
Hagan James, Holliday st n of Bath
Hagan John H. confectioner, 3 n Howard st
Hager G. W. carpenter, Monument st. dw Gay n of Monument
Hagerty Andrew, cooper, w side Canal st n of Short alley
Hagerty Edward, starch dealer, w side High st n of Stiles
Hagerty James, shoemaker, 22 Centre market space
Hagerty mrs James, dry goods dealer, 22i Centre market space
Hagerty John, clothier, 28 Centre market space cor Second st
Hagerty James, shoe maker, 9 s Calvert st. dw Lovely lane
Hagger & Brother, mathematical instrument makers, 57 South st
Hagger J. W. of firm, dw Barre st w of Hanover
Hagley John, labourer, Union st near Ross
Hagner George, tobacconist, Rock st. n of Lexington
Hagthrop Edward, w side Bond st s of Lombard
Hagthrope Edward, miller, Lombard st e of Spring
Hagy John, carpenter, Rock st n of Lexington
Hahn Henry, painter, Fayette st 1 door e of Liberty
Hahn John, cooper, Cove st s of Baltimore
Hahn Wm. butcher, Mulliken st e Bond
Hahn Mrs. Lexington st e of Sharp
Hahn Edward, butcher, Orleans st w of Strawberry alley
Hahn Harman, tailor, Marion st e of Howard
Hahn Henry, painter, Saratoga st 2 doors w of Park
Hahn John, mt tailor, dw 13 New Church st
Hahn Adolphus, cooper, Park st s of Lexington
Hahn Wm. wagoner, Alice Anna st e of Bond
Haig mrs Margaret, Lexington st e of Howard
Haight Grove, confectioner, cor Orleans st and Strawberry alley
Hakell Anthony, labourer, Caroline st n of Orleans
Haksley Wm. J. carpenter, e side Gay st s of Aisquith
Halback Charles, cutler, grinder, and surgical instrument maker-
s side Gay st adjoining the bridge
Halbert Edward D. grocer, s e cor Douglass and Forest sts
Halbert George, clothing store, e side Potter st n of Douglass
Hale Wesley, chair maker, Low st e of Exeter
Hale Elias, clocks and fancy variety store, 9 Baltimore st
Hale Charles W. chair maker, Liberty alley s of Falls st
Hale Edward, bricklayer, Canal st s of L McElderry
Hale Wm. H. bricklayer, e side Howard st 3 doors n of Perry