Griffith Rev Alfred, w side Exeter st n of Low
Griffith J. & H. tailors, 4 s Frederick st
Griffith Mrs Isabella, huckster, Hoffman st near Ross
Griffith Israel, dry goods mt. 213 Baltimore st cor Sharp, dw
Sharp st e side 3 doors s of Lombard
Griffith G. S. & Bro. upholst'rs. and paper hangers, 1004 Balt, st
Griffith G. S. firm ditto, dw 22 Albemarle st
Griffith A. G. firm ditto, dw German st w of Penn
Griffith Mary, e side Bond st n of Fleet
Griffith Mrs. Aisquith st s of Douglass
Griffith Stephen, grocer, cor Eden and Silver sts
Griffith Henry A. marble cutter, Gough st n of Granby
Griffith Sarah, boarding house, Jasper st near Lexington
Griffith Wm. straw cutter, Forest st n of the Penitentiary
Griffith Charles, Dover st w of Paca
Griffith Mrs Eliza, Conway st e of Warner
Griffith R. H. Light st wharf, dw Green st s of German
Griffith Mrs Susan, Barre st. e of Sharp
Griffith John, Barre st e of Sharp
Griffith Ann, Pratt st e of Caroline
Griffith George, millwright,, Lee st w of Light
Griggs James, pilot, 58 s Exeter st
Griggs George, pilot, Gough st w of Bond
Griggs Wm. pilot, e side Bond st s of Gough
Grillet James, porter, s side Second et e of Gay—keeper of
"Chesnut Hill Dairy13
Grim John, labourer, Perry st w of Sharp
Grimes John, Holland st w of Lewis
Grimes Ann, cor Shakspeare st and Argyle alley
Grimes Charles, Waterloo row, Calvert st
Grimes Hugh, labourer, n side French st 2d door s of Const'n.
Grrinbarim Wm. grocer, Saratoga st e of Poppleton
Grindall Josiah, wood corder, 21 New Church st
Grindell John T. overseer Md chemical works, Montgomery st
e of Light
Grindle Mrs Ann, cor Chatsworth and Pearce sts
Grinell Charles A. firm Tiffany, File & eo. dw Eutaw st n of
Saratoga, w side
Grinnell Chas. C. bailiff at Barnard's office Frederick st. dw n
side French st near Potter
Griswold Lyrnan, wheat fan maker, Lee st w of Hanover
Griswold August W. agent for "Harnden's & Co's. Express,"
2 Calvert st w side, dw Exeter
Groc Ann, Saratoga st 1 door e of Greene
Grohe George, tailor, 9 Union st
Groley Peter, rigger, Block st w of Wills
Grolter John, tailor, Madison st e of Aisquith
Grom Conrad, carpenter, 8 Lancaster st
Groober Jacob, 105 Camden st
Grooms Wm. plaisterer, e side Gay st near Mott
Grooms Reekie, huxter, s w cor Ensor and Mott sts