Grason George, carter, Lee st e of Sharp
Grason Thomas, huckster, cor Eutaw and Montgomery sts
Grata Augaste, labourer, 45 Thames st
Gratz Mrs S- L. Mulberry st 1 door e of Paca
Gravenstine James, w side Gay st n of Monument
Graver Henry, tinner, Centre st e of St Paul
Graves Dr John J. cor Fayette and L Sharp sts
Graves George, superviser on rail road, Cove st s of Pratt
Graves Robert, carpenter, e side Bond st n of Wilk st
Gray Edward, n Calvert st betw Saratoga and Lexington sts
Gray Mrs Esther, 32 St Paul st
Gray Mrs Mary Ann, grocer, s w cor Cove and Baltimore sts
Gray Richard, stone cutter, Harford av n of Aisquith st
Gray Wm. F. hatter, Thomsen st e of Friendship
Gray Sarah, washer, e side Exeter st n of Gay
Gray Henry W. justice of peace, n side Lombard st betw Light,
and Calvert, dw n e cor Conway and Sharp sts
Gray James, brickmaker, Henrietta st e of Charles
Gray Mrs Walton, Pratt st e of High
Gray John, Pratt st w of Caroline
Gray John W. sailmaker, Lombard st e of Bond
Gray John, Wolfe st n of Fleet
Gray Wm. sailmaker, Carr's wharf, dw Market st. cor Wilk
Gray capt Adam, e side Exeter st s of Granby
Gray Cecelia, 51 Holliday st
Gray George, over 1 e Water st opp Cheapside
Gray Wilhelmina, botanic medical siore. 23 e Water st
Gray Elizabeth, caner, over 1 Water st
Grayless Mrs Mary, tailoress, Monument st w of Ensor
Grays Lewis, segar maker, York st e of Hanover
Great Geo. W. saddler, Preston st near Penn av
Greatfield John, carpenter, 57 Clay st
Greble Benjamin, potter, w side Ensor st n of Monument,
Harford av s of Madison st
Green John, carpenter, 41 Fayette st e of Howard
Green Mrs Jane, grocer, cor Saratoga and Howard sts
Green J. boot and shoemaker, 96 n Howard st
Green George M. carpenter, Mulberry st betw Pine and Pearl
Green Edw. stone cutter, Pratt st. dw Monument st w of Paca
Green Emily, Inloes al w of Park st
Green George, millwright, Greenwillow st near Penn av
Green Thomas, labourer, Cathedral st extended
Green Henry, varnisher, Baltimore st w of Amity
Green George W. painter, Holland st w of Canal
Green John, silversmith, Mullikin st e of Eden
Green Abrm. grocer, dw Monument st e of Ensor
Green Mary, grocer, s w cor Hillen and Potter sts
Green Sarah, seamstress, e side Beuren st n of Monument
Green Wm. R. currier, n side Hillen st 2d door w of High
Green Henry, shoemaker, e side Front st n of Pitt
Green Thomas, n side O alley