Green Mary, seamstress, s side Mercer st 5th door e of Light
Green Samuel, shoemaker, e side Gay st s of Aisquith
Green Jacob, lime and feed store, n side Gay e of Exeter
Green Abr. grocer, s w cor Forest and Hillen sts. dw Monu'nt
Green Amon &, Co. wadding and batts manuf w side Potter st
s of French
Green Susannah, seamstress, 29 n Exeter st
Green Charles B. grocer, 120 n High st, dw High st n of Gay
Green T. 12lh ward oyster house, under cor German and Paca
Green Richard C. grocer, cor L Paca si and Burgundy alley
Green Mrs Charlotte, Euraw st opp Shot Tower
Green John, sawyer, Perry st w of Sharp
Green Charles, mariner., 91 Fleet st
Green Betsy, Gough st w of Bond
Green Wm. Baltimore st e of Caroline
Green Eliza, e side Ann st s of Alice Anna
Green Andrew, market dealer, Eden st e side s of Pratt
Green M. A. boarding house, w side Gay st n of Second
Grreen Mrs Ann, boarding house, over 37 South st
Green James, mathematical and philosophical instrument maker,
53 South st—see advertisement, page 15
Green John, rope maker, w side Light sts of West
Greenbam M. 29 Harrison st
Greenbaugm Nathan, e side'Ann st s of Fleet
Greener Frederick, clerk, cor Canal and L McElderry sts
Greenfield A. H. hardware mt. 76 w Lexmgton st. dw corner
Eutaw and Lexington sts
Greenfield Thomas, ship joiner, cor High and Stiles sts
Greenfield Ashbury, shoemaker, Wagon al s of Eutaw st
Greenough B. F. patent lamp and chemical oil store, 99 1/2 Balt, st
Greensfelder Bernard, variety store, 35 Baltimore st
Greenstein ——, brass founder, Fell st s of Thames
Greenvvay E. M. Mount Vernon place, cor Charles and Mon't.
Greenway E. M & Co. mts. over 23 s Charles st
Green well Miss Ann, Pitt st w of Canal
Greenwell James, Happy al w side s of Alice Ann
Greenwood Thomas, fisher, Cross st e of Johnson
Greenvvood Wm. file cutter, Paca st s of Lombard
Greenwood Joseph, ropemaker, Cross st w of William
Greer Mrs Jane, grocer, 2S7 n Howard st
Gregg Mrs. Holliday st s of City Hall
Gregg Mrs Elizabeth, Franklin st e of Cathedral
Gregg Andrew & Co. grocers and produce mts. cor Franklin st
and John al. dw Andrew G. Franklin st near Cathedral
Gregg John & James, firm ditto, do do
Gregg Miss R. dress maker, 52 Lombard st
Gregory Mrs. washer, 7 Mercer st
Gregory Wm. plaisterer, Hollins st e of Amity
Gregory Henry M. painter, s of Wilk st and w of Exeter st on
City Property
Gregory Joseph, Henrietta st e of Charles