Gover G. P. firm ditto, dw Aisquith st n of Comet
Gover Samuel H. auctioneer, cor Market space and Lombard st.
dw High et 8 of Lombard
Grace Jacob A. shoemaker, cor Aisquith and Madison sts
Grace Wm. Happy al n of Gough st
Grace John, iron founder, Wilk st w of President
Grace John, Wolfe st n of Wilk
Gracey Henry, carpenter, cor Aisquith and Orleans sts
Grady James, porter, Hoiliday st s of Pleasant
Grader Patrick, drayman, Gravel al s of Franklin st
Gran Frederick B. vice consul of Sweden and Norway, and
com. mt. 38 s Gay st
Grafflin S. D. morocco man. n e cor Cheapside and Lombard st
Grafft Goilieb, Baldna sausage maker, Hoffman st near Ross
Graft F. blacksmith, Hookstown road, dw Biddle st near P. av
Graft Mrs Araminta,,w side Ann st n of Fleet
Grafton Mark, Fayette st 3d door e of Liberty
Grafton Martha, fancy store, 13 e Baltimore st cor Front
Graham Wm, imp. chain cables, 77 Smith's wharf, dw Sarato-
ga st e of St Paul
Graham Mrs Matilda, St Paul st s of Pleasant
Graham Miss, Howard st n of Franklin
Graham Andrew, 234 n Howard st
Graham John, Madison st e of Cathedral
Graham Eilis C. carpenter, e side Beuren st n of Liberty alley
Graham John, painter, Liberty al n of Monument st
Graham Mrs Ann, Charles st e of Fork
Graham George, mariner, Fleet st e of Washington
Graham & Spedden, ship joiners, Philpot st
Graham Wm. firm ditto, dw Phiipot st w of Thames
Graham Mrs Hamilton, Pratt st e of Exeter
Graham J. & R. grocers and com. mts. 88 Dugan's wharf
Graham Mrs boarding house, 5 g Sharp st
Graham Mrs Elizabeth, State st n of Franklin
Grammar Mrs Eliza, Baltimore st n side e of Exeter
Grandruth Gustavus, dealer in old iron, 18 Bond st
Granger John, painter, Perry st e of Howard
Granger Henry, s side Lombard st 3 doors e of Eutaw st
Graninger John, tailor, Saratoga st e of Cove
Graninger John, confectioner, Penn ar near Union st
Grant Xenophon, hatter, 70 n High st
Grant Jane, Alice Anna st w of Ann
Grant George W. Albemarle st n of Stiles
Grassell Mrs Bridget, Fort avenue opp Powder house
Grantlemeyer John, carpenter, Saratoga st e of Cove
Grape John, shoemaker, Union st near Ross
Grape George, carpenter, Monument st e of Ensor
Grape Jacob, East st s of French
Grape John, carter, e side Potter st s of Gay
Grape Jacob, Baltimore st s side w of Canal
Grason John, carter, Con way st e of Cove