Gorsuch Wm. G. carpenter, Courdand St s of Pleasant, dw Eu-
taw st s of Mulberry
Gorsuch James, ship carpenter, Wolfe et s of Alice Anna
Gorsuch Mrs Sarah, Cove st n of Mulberry
Gorsuch Robert, Monument st w of Aisquith
Gorsuch S. blacksmith, alley 3d door from Madison st e of Ensor-
Gorsuch Peregrine, justice of peace, Ensor st e of Engine house.
dw Canal st n of Orleans
Gorsuch Thomas & Son, grocers, s e cor Gay and Potter sts
Gorsuch Theodore, firm ditto, dw do do do
Gorsuch Stephen, blacksmith, e from Ensor st s from Madison
Gorton Mrs Phoebe, Baltimore st e of Lloyd
Gosling Thomas, labourer, Cove st s of Franklin
Gosnell P. H. firm Martin, Mathers & Co. dw Pine st n of Vine
Gosnell Talbot, carpenter, Franklin st e of Park, dw cor Chats-
worth and Franklin sts
Gosnell Mrs Rebecca, Pine st n of Chesnut alley
Gosnell & Devries, dry goods merchants, n w cor Baltimore and
Howard sts
Gosnell L. W. firm ditto, dw 81 Paca st
Gosnell Wm. shoemaker, Ensor st n of Monument
Gossick Mary, nurse, Lombard st w of Bond
Gothrop James, shoemaker, Sarah Ann st n of Pine
Gott Thomas J. properly agent, s side Second st near Exchange
dw Exeter st s of Baltimore
Gotthelf Leopold, cabinet maker, w side Front st n of Gay
Gough Thomas, grocer, cor Orleans and Canal sts
Gough Wm. carter, w side Front st n of Hlllen
Gould James, teacher, Lexington st betw Calvert and North st
dw Cove st n of Franklin
Gould Mrs T. Franklin Bank buildings, North st
Gould Eli, artificial flower manufactory, 71 w Pratt st
Gould James, watch jewelry and fancy store, 136 Baltimore
dw cor Franklin and Charles sts
Gould Moses, druggist, Baltimore st w of Pine
Gould Daniel T. shoemaker, Baltimore st w of Pine
Gould Mrs Lydia A. variety store, Baltimore st w of Pine
Gould Mary Ann, tailoress, e side Exeter st s of Hillen
Gould Zaccheus, shoemaker, Conway st w of Sharp
Gould John J. Lee st e of Howard
Gould Alexander, e side Light st s of West
Gould A. w side Light st 2d door n of West
Gould Mr. & Mrs. writing rooms, over 97 Baltimore st
Gould capt Henry, Alice Anna st e of Market
Gould P. F. (steam saw mill, Montgomery st) w side Light
doors n of Montgomery
Goulden Barney, shoemaker, Armistead lane w of William st
Gouley Louis, vegetable medicine store, 214 Baltimore st bet
Frederick and Harrison sts—see advertisement, page'
Gourlay George, blacksmith, e side Commerce st
Gover & Purvis, brokers, 169 Baltimore st