Glmor Robert, s side Second St e of South, dw s side Exchange
place w of Gay st
Gilpin Samuel, land agent, w side High st n of Pitt
Gilpin Margaret, Bank st e of Market
Gilpin Henry L. carpenter, Mercer st near Calvert, dw Lom-
bard st e of Exeter
Ginniman Thomas, labourer, Johnson st s of Cross
Ginnovan George, labourer, Wagon alley w of Poppleton st
Gntner John, grocer, s w cor Low and Potter sts
Giraud Dr. Augustus T. Lombard st w of Front
Girding Henry, labourer, w side Caroline st s of Wilk
Girvin Robert, carpenter, cor Park and Saratoga sts
Girvin James, grocer, cor Franklin and Eutaw sts. dw 166 Paca
Gist Henry, tailor, Lewis st s of Orleans
Gist Thomas W. foundryman, McHenry alley w of Poppleton st
Gist Wm. prop. Eagle while lead works, corner Eutaw and Con-
way sts. dw cor Con way and Sharp
Gist Charles, shoemaker, Eutaw st s of Barre
Gittings John S. president of Chesapeake Bank, dw over and ad-
joining the Bank, North st
Gittings, Lambert, com mt. Exchange place e of Commerce st
Gittings mrs Mary, Harford avenue n of Madison st
Given John, carter, 25 Alice Anna st
Given George, clerk, 6 Charles st Spring court
Given James, labourer, corner Front and Hillen sts
Glaab George, shoemaker, Pearl st s of Lexington
Glaab Peleg, tailor, w side East st n of Ensor
Gladding Samuel, constable, Barre si e of Charles
Gladson mrs Rebecca, intersection Harford av and Aisquith st
Glan Robert W. grocer, n e corner Low and Forest sts
Glandon, Sarah, milliner, 62 s Charles st
Glanville J. W. hatter, 50 Centre market space
Glasco Matthew, machinist, w side Charles st 3 doors n of Pratt
Glass Jon. ship joiner, Thames st. d w cor Thames & Caroline sts
Glass Isaac, health commissioner, e side Bond st n of Gough .
Glass Thomas, shoemaker, Light st 4 doors s of Armistead lane
Gleen Elijah B. carpenter, Baltimore st 2 doors e of Apple alley
Glenn Wm. carpenter, Raborg st w of Cove
Glenn John W. attorney at law, Court house lane, dw Charles st
s of Lexington
Glenn Wm. C. lumber merchant, Liberty st s of Clay
Glenn Joseph, shoemaker, Happy alley e side s of Fleet
Glenn Samuel T. house and ship painter, Bond st s of Baltimore
Glenn John J. labourer, Caroline st n of Fleet
Glenn Wm. tavern, w side Caroline st n of Fleet
Globe Inn, cor Baltimore and Howard sts. Robt M. Beam, prop,
Glocker Theodore, clerk, Eden st s of Jefferson
Gloninger Mrs. 4 St Paul st
Gloninger M. milliner, 49 Baltimore st
Glos John, baker, e side York avenue n of Madison st
Glosar Tobias, cooper, Mullikin st n e of Fairmount