Glover Susan, seamstress, e side Mercer st 5 doors e of Light
Glover Wm. blacksmith, York st w of Light
Glover Thomas, blacksmith, Monument st e of Constitution
Glover James, blacksmith, House's court, s of Conway st w of
Glyne Henry, labourer, Union st near Ross [Charles
Goardshell George, labourer, Amity st n of Baltimore
Goard Alexander, lawyer, Fayette st near Charles, dw Franklin
door w of Cathedral
Gobbart Adam, labourer, w side Apple alley s of Alice Anna st
Gobright mrs Louisa, w side Exeter st s of Baltimore
Goddard Charles, proprietor of Gen. Wayne Inn, n w corner
Baltimore and Paca sts
Godfrey Mrs. huckster, Mott st s of Sterling
Godfrey George, porter, corner Camden and Charles sts
Godman Mrs. Fayette st w of Holliday
Godman John D. butcher, Hoffman st near Penn avenue
Godman Thomas, butcher, Baltimore st e of Gilmer
Goff Wm carter, w side Front st n of Hillen
Goforth George W. bacon dealer, Aisquith st s of Low
Gohlinghors Henry, tavern, Pratt st e of Jones's falls
Gold Peter, 53 s Charles st
Colder A. & Son, importers and manufacturers paper hangings
33 Hanover st
Golder Archibald, paper hangings merchant, 171 Baltimore st
dw Fayette w of Park
Goldsborough N. W. dw Franklin st w of Park
Goldsborough Wm. J. runner Farmers' and Planters' Bank, dw
Ensor st s of Madison
Goldsmith Elizabeth, n side Philadelphia road near city limits
Goldsmith J. painter and glazier, Lexington st between Cbarle
and Liberty
Goldsmith Elizabeth, teacher, e side Potter st s of Gay
Goldsmith A. L. clothing store, 31 Harrison st
Goldsmith Raphael, shoemaker, 89 Bond st
Goldsmith James, labourer, e side Potter st near Gay
Goldsmith S. H. Calvert st s of Mulberry
Goldsmith miss Betsy, w of Loney's lane n of e Monument st ex:
Goldsmith Reuben, dry goods dealer, Fell st near Thames
Goldsmith ——— milkman, Alice Anna st e of Market
Gohbart Joseph, sen. cooper. Wolfe st near Fell, dw Alice Anna
w of Ann
Golibart Joseph, jr. cooper, w side Ann st n of Wilk
Good Wm. tailor, corner Calvert and Centre sts
Goodacre Daniel, granite stone yard, President st near Pratt, dw
Albemarle s of Stiles
Goodall Matthew, Calvert st s of Bath
Gooden Michael, corner of Perry and L Paca sts
Goodhand mrs Margaret, 8 Barnet st
Goodhand John, s side Mercer st 4 doors e of Light
Goodhart Thompson, tavern, Wilk st w of Caroline
Goodison John, grocer, corner Caroline st and Mince alley