Gill Owen A. firm Martin Gillet &, Co. dw Saratoga st 1 door e
of Pine
Gill Bryson & Son, dentists, n w corner Hanover and Lombard
st—see advertisement page 24
Gill mrs Elizabeth, boarding house, n Frederick St near Balt.
Gill Mrs. cupper and leecher. n w corner Lombard and Hanover
sts—see advertisement page 32
Gill Charles, confectioner, 17 Light st wharf, dw Charles St
Gill miss Nancy, raantua maker, Camden st e of Sharp
Gill Absalom, shoemaker, Henrietta st e of Hanover
Gill John, late notary public, office 42 Lombard st opp Custom
house, dw North st 4 doors n of Lexington
Gill Marsraret, Wilk st w of Eden
Gill G. M. attorney at law, St Paul st n of Church lane
Gill George, huckster, Market st s of Thames, County wharf
Gill Jabez. N. carpenter, Park st n of Franklin, dw "Howard s
near Madison
Gill Joshua, Pierce st w of Chatworth
Gill miss Nancy, mantua maker, Camden st e of Sharp
Gill Wm. L. paying teller Merchants' Bank, dw Courtland st a
of Pleasant
Gill Nicholas, cooper, 14 Mulberry court, e of Rock st s of Sar.
Gill Ezekiel, carpenter, cor Aisquilh and Madison sts
Gill Joshua, teacher of architecture and drawing, 141 Eutaw st
Gill Angelica, tailoress, East st n of Douglass st
Gill James, forwarding and com mt. 75 Bowly's wharf
Gill Gustavus. confectioner, Pratt st w of Eutaw, dw McHenry
st e of Poppleton
Gill John, wood dealer, 80 McElderry's wharf
Gill mrs Sarah, Con way st e of Sharp
Gill Elizabeth, seamstress, Alice Anna st w of Caroline
Gillen Bryan, labourer, w end Saratoga st
Gillen Dominick, labourer, Happy alley n of Gough st
Gillespie Stephen, cabinet maker, s side Fayette st e of Calvert
Gillet mrs Eliza, 51 n Eutaw st
Gillet Martin & Co. com mts. 52 e Pratt st
Gillet L. W. of firm, dw Paca st betw Saratoga and Mulberry
Gillet Warrinffton, tea importer, e side Paca st near Saratoga
Gillinghan Rosalinda, Lombard st w of Market
Gillingham E. J. hardware and cutlery store, 71 w Lexington st
dw cor Baltimore and Eutaw
Gillingham mrs Mary, teacher, Hanover st s of Conway
Gillingham George, grocer, corner Lombard and Exeter sts
Gillingham Edward, engraver, w side Exeter st n of Lombard
Gillingham & Jessop, importers of hardware, cor Pratt & Light
Gillingham John, of firm, dw 101 w Lombard st
Gillion York, tailor, Alice Anna st e of Wolfe
Oilman Charles, attorney at law, s side Fayette st w of St Paul
Gilmeyer Francis, grocer, corner Pearl st and Penn avenue, dw
Pearl st s of George
Gilmor Mrs. Monument square corner Court house lane