Gibson Edmund, dw Lexmgton st e of Pine
Gibson Sally, laundress, Alice Anna st e of Market
Gibson A. shoemaker, rear of 44 n Frederick st
Gibson James, e side Argyle alley n of Lancaster st
Gibson ———— 60 Harrison st
Gibson miss Frances, dress maker, 3 Holhday st
Gibson m ss E. fancy dress maker, cor Calvert and Mulberry sts
Gibson John & Jon.s, dry goods mts. 8 n Charles st
Gibson Chas. & Edwd. 1. dry goods mts. 9 n Charles st
Gibson Dr. Charles Bell, 68 n Charles st
Gibson mrs Mary, 25 n Liberty st
Gibson James, 246 n Howard st
Gibson capt James, Feii st opposite Wolfe
Gibson George, Madison st extended
Gibson H. W. painter, corner Baltimore and Greene sts. dw
George st w of Penn avenue
Gibson James, lot opposite Ross st extended
Gibson Dr. Geo. S. Park st s of Centre
Gibson Joshua, bricklayer, Aisquith st n of Monument
Gibson Wm, H. e side Front st s of Low
Gibson Rachel, tailoress, York ar n of Madison st
Gibson John, ice dealer, w side Gay st s of Monument
Gibson Wm. teacher Oliver Hibernian School, Potter st n of Gay
Gibson Wm. jr. teacher of Public School No. 2, corner Market
and Bank sts
Gidelman Morris B. shoemaker, East st s of French
Giese & Son, com and forw'g mts. w side Commerce st
Giese Lewis W. H. of firm, corner Barre and Hanover sts
Gieser Wm. tailor, n side Carpenter's al w of Howard st
Griffin mrs Elizabeth, Conway st e of Eutaw
Gifford Alexander, carpenter and builder, Union aliey near Eden
st. dw Silver e of Eden
Gifford Thomas, carpenter, Orleans st e of Spring
Gilford mrs Mary, Pitt st w of Caroline
Gihner Henry, grocer, corner Eutaw and Conway sts
Gilbec Catherine, Caroline st s of Pratt
Gilbert Aquilla, carpenter, Pearl st s of Saratoga
Gilbert Francis, 150 n Eutaw st
Gilcoat Julia A. nurse Liberty st betw German and Lombard
Gildea Rev. J. B. pastor St Vincent de Paul's (Catholic) church,
w side Front st 1 door n of the church
Gildea John, wheat fan and bellows man. and agric. impl. man.
63 s Calvert st dw Algemarle s of Sules—see adv. p. 14
Gildoff Patrick, Liberty alley s of Monument st
Giles Wm. cooper, Raborg st e of Poppleton
Giles Joseph, cooper, Raborg st e of Poppleton
Giles Wra. F. attorney al law, Law buildings, Lexington st 2d
door w of St Paul, dw Baltimore st w of Ann
Giles John R. confectioner, 98 Baltimore st
Giles Gustavas, carpenter, McHenry alley e of Poppleton st
Giles mrs Ann 47 s High st