Gelbach C. grocer, Forest st n of Monument
Gelbach Geo. grocery and tavern, cor French and Beuren sts
Geller John, w side Penn avenue n of Pearl st
Gelston Henry, firm Elder, Gelslon &. Co. dw w side Paca 8t
of Mulberry
Gemp George T. paver, Pierce st e of Cove
Genuet L. watchmaker, 136 Baltimore st
Gent Henrv, ship carpenter, cor Armistead lane and William
George & Hays, grocers and com mts. s side Exchange place
George James, Howard st s of Centre
George & Yates, com mts. 12 German st
George Saml. K. of firm, dw Cathedral st n of Mulberry
George A. & Co. grocers and com mts. cor How'd & Mulberry
George mrs Archibald, dw cor Stable and Mulberry sts
George Wm. E. & Son, hardware mts. at Thomas &. Co's,
Baltimore st
George S. & Son, lumber mts. e side Greene st near Saratoga
George John S. of firm, dw Conway st near Paca
George Stephen, lumber mt. e side Greene st near Saratoga st
George Mary Ann, n side Gay st e of Front
George James B. shoemaker, 46 Centre market space
George Isaac S. shoemaker, 64 Centre market space
Geotz Rachel, s e corner Howard st and Getz alley
Gerahty capt Peter, 24 Block st
Gerard Geo. principal of female seminary, Franklin st w of Pa:
Gerber Adam, labourer, corner Thames and Ann sts
Gerdling Michael, wheelwright, s side Phil road near city lint
Gerhard J. A. 18 Penn av
Gerhard Wm. tailor, 75 McElderry's wharf
German Jonathan, inn keeper, n side Lombard at w of Concord
German Frederick, ornam. painter, cor Pratt st and w falls at
German Benjamin, plough maker, cor Pitt st and Strawberry
German,& Bella, sailmakere, s end McElderry's wharf
Germania Library Association, 40 n Howard st
Geslford Wm. baker, Low st e of Forest
Gesford mrs Susanna, Preston st near Ross
Gesford James, baker, Park st n of Saratoga
Gettier Jacob, boarding house, Clay st e of Howard
Gettier H. turner. Biddle st near Penn avenue
Gettier George, labourer, Biddle st near Ross
Gettier mrs Mary, 16 Albemarle st
Getty James, carpenter, 9 s Sharp st. dw 82 Saratoga
Getty James, dry goods merchant, 55 n Howard st
Geyer Jacob, carpenter, Ross st extended
Gibbins Eliza, tailored, n side Addison st w of High
Gibbon Francis A. bricklayer, Ensor st n of Monument
Gibbons John, cooper, German st e of Cove
Gibbons John, carriage maker, Paca st s of Baltimore
Gibbs A. C. 7 Barnet st
Gibbs mrs Elizabeth, corner Marion and Eutaw sts
Gibney R. dentist, 74 n Exeter st