Garriden ——— labourer, alley w of William st s of West
Garrish Susanna, w side Light st 3 doors s of Hughes
Garrett Wm. firm Ross & Garrott, dw Lexington st near Cove
Garthwait Isaac, Photographic Daguerrotype likeness taker,
over 97 1/2 Baltimore st
Garus Harman, gardner, 45 Thames st
Garvey John, grocery gnd liquor shop, Front st s of Hillen
Gary Michael, carpenter, Wine st alley, dw 5 Mulberry st
Gas Light Co. of Baltimore, office 28 North st betw Saratoga and
Lexington, James Mowton, sec'y
Gassaway Noah, grocer and produce merchant, w side Penn av
n of Franklin st. dw Park st n of Mulberry
Gassaway mrs Elizabeth, Eden st s of Pratt
Gaston James, labourer, Preston st near Ross.
Gatch C. millwright, Columbia st e of Cove
Gatch Conduce, millwright, Paca st w of L Greene
Gatchell W. H. attorney at law, Court house lane, dw Franklin
st 1 door w of St Paul
Gatchell Dorcas, e Pratt st opp city spring
Gatchell Augustus S. piano maker, w side Bond st s of Gough
Gatchell John J. 12 s Exeter st
Gate Catherine, baker, e side Exeter st n of Gay
Gates Lawrence, huckster, Rosa st opp Paca
Gatz Christian, baker, Eutaw st s of Lee
Gauline Joseph C. house painter, Baltimore st w of Caroline
Gault Robert, type founder, Hniliday st 4 doors s of Pleasant
Gault mrs Sarah, tailored, Union st near Ross
Gavin Thomas, drayman, e side Spring st s of Pratt
Gavit Stephen, carpenter, Ross st extended
Gay mrs Celestine, Canal st n of L McElderry
Gay James, engineer, Alice Anna st e of Wolfe
Gayle Robert, shoe store, 78 Pratt st
Gebhard C. E. J. portrait painter, over 97 Balt. st. dw n High
Gebhardt Frederick, tavern, 93 Bond st
Geckler Godfrey, comb maker, 21 n Exeter st
Geddes G. &, C. looking glass and picture frame makers, 32 Fay-
ette st e of Howard
Geddes George, of firm, dw cor Eutaw st and West alley
Gees Richard, plaisterer, New st w of Eutaw
Gees George. printer, Ross st 1 door from Biddle
Gees John, shoemaker, Moore's alley near Ross st
Gees George, 119 n Eutaw st
Gees Christopher, tailor, Amity st s of Baltimore
Gegan Joseph, seaman, East st n of Pitt
Gehring John G. jeweller, s side Ensor st e of Town clerk
Gehrman Charles, tobacco and segar merchant, s side Exchange
place, dw 31 n Gay st
Geilfoose Theodore, tailor, President st n of Wilk
Geisinger Capt. ——— U. S. Navy, Lexington st between
Charles and Liberty
Gelbach Geo. property and com. agent, North st opp Post office