Gardiner Wm. of firm, dw Market st n of Wilk
Gardiner George, of firm, dw Fleet st e of Washington
Gardiner Wm. 3 Fish market space
Gardiner Michael, ship carpenter, Washington st s of Fleet
Gardiner ——— chairmaker, 73 w Pratt st
Gardiner Maria, dry goods store, Market st n of Lancaster
Gardiner James, doctor's boatman, Star alley n of Fleet st
Gardiner F. feather dresser, s w corner Frederick and Second sts
Gardiner Wm. carpenter, 53 Albemarle st
Gardiner Michael, ship builder, Wolfe st near Fell
Gardiner Peter, labourer, w side Apple alley s of Alice Anna st
Gardiner George, tinner, George st w of Pennsylvania avenue
Gardiner Francis, labourer, 2 Philpot st
Gardiner James, second hand store, French st e of Exeter
Gardiner James, shoemaker, corner Baltimore and Spring sis
Gardner George S. carpenter, Gough st s of Granby
Gardner Ephraim, cooper, 66 Pratt st. dw 109 w Pratt
Gardner B. F. dry goods merchant, 203 Baltimore st. dw Fay-
ette st 2 doors w of Paca
Gardner mrs Mary, Marion st e of Howard
Gardner Jacob, labourer, w side Light st n of Henrietta
Gardner John M. house and sign painter, corner North and Bal-
timore sts. dw French opposite Potter
Gardner Franklin, dry goods merchant, 1571 Baltimore st. dw
Fayette near Pine
Gardner Catharine, dress maker, s side French st e of Exeter
Gardner Joseph, jr. painter, North su dw French opp Potter
Gardner John, 2d hand goods dealer, French st nearly opp Potter
Gardner Wm. tailor, w side Paca st 2 doors n of Lexington
Gardner Wm shoemaker, e side High st s of Hillen
Gardner Aiderson, wheelwright, Cross st w of William
Gardner George, wheelwright, corner Charles and West sts
Gardner Isaiah, wheelwright, Charles st s of Barre, dw Charles
n of West I
Gardner James, carpenter, w aide Frederick st s of Baltimore
Garing James, chairmaker, Pratt st opp President
Garland &, Elwell, com nits. 86 Bowly's wharf
Garland N. dw St Paul st d of Mulberry
Garland James, 74 n Calvert st
Garner James, 2d hand dealer, s side French St e of Exeter
Garraud E. confectioner, 78 Baltimore st
Garrett Richard, labourer, Strawberry alley n of Lancaster st
Garrett John, cabinet maker, 9 Alice Anna st
Garrett Robt. &, Sons, wholesale grocers and com mts. 32 n How-
ard st. dw s side Fayette st w of Howard
Garrett Joseph, labourer, Charles 81 s of Conway
Garrett Wm. Lexington st e of Cove
Garrett Thomas, grocer, e side Potter st n of Low
Garretson Bennet, boot and shomaker, 249 Baltimore st
Garrettson & Holton, dry goods mts. 27 Baltimore st
Garrettson James A. druggist, 22 w Pratt st