Frey Susan, George st e of Pine
Frey Charles, baker. State st n of Franklin
Frey E. & S. druggists, 251 Baltimore st
Frey John B. grocer, inspector butter and lard, and plaister mill,
York av n of Monument st. dw Forest n of Monument
Frey Samuel, cabinet maker, s e corner. Eutaw and Lexington
sts. dw Lexington near Pearl
Frey Gotleib, shoemaker, cor Eutaw and Montgomery sts
Frey Wm. cabinet maker, Comet st w of Aisquith
Freyer Elizabeth, dry goods store, Forest st n of Hillen
Frial mrs Mary, Holliday st n of Bath
Friary Andrew, shoemaker, s w cor Douglass and East sts
Frick Wm. attorney at law, Fayette st betw St Paul and Charles
F, ——— O'Donnell's farm, Belle Air road
Friedeman Dr. V. cor Charles and Montgomery sts
Friedhofer Dr. Jacob, Hamburg st w of William
Friederich Lawrence, cedar cooper, 83 n Howard st
Friederich John, proprietor Washington Monument Garden, for
Reservoir house,) n end Charles st n of Wash. Monumt
Friend Alfred, grocer, corner Barnet and Charles sts
Friendship Engine House, n Frederick st
Fries George D. cutler, Liberty st. dw Baltimore st w of Pearl
Friese Henry F. counsellor and attorney at law, 18 Fayette st.
dw Hamilton st
Frriese Philip, justice of peace, dw Hamilton st e of Cathedral
Frnnt Jacob, cooper. Hushes st e of Light
Frisbie Catherine, Market st s of Fleet
Frisby Mary, e side Eutaw st near Monument
Frisch mrs C. fancy dress maker and lailoress, Lexington st be-
tween Charles and Liberty
rise John H. surgical instrument maker, 1 New Church st
Fritz Mullock, slevadore, s end Fell st
Fritz Charles, shoemaker, Bond st n of Thames
Fritz Geo. H. ml tailor and clothing store, Thames st e of Bond
Frizel John B. w side Eutaw st near Madison
Frizel Beale, . Baltimore st w of Pine
Frohlich G net maker, 10 Lancaster st
Frost Dr. Henry, Hanover st entrance Uhler's alley
Frush Levi, hackman, L Hampstead st w of Strawberry alley
Frush Jacob, keeper of hacks & carriages, Caroline s of Lom'd
Fry capt John H. Fleet st e of Ann
Fry Benj. G. teacher Biddle st near Richmond
Fry Joseph, drover, Baltimore st e of Republican
Fry Jas. H. ladies' shoe maker, Hollins st w of Amity
Fry Gauntlet, clothier, 28 Pratt st
Fryatt Susan, Neighbor st betw York and Harford avenues
Fyer Elijah S. looking glass and picture frame manufacturer, 2
n Gay st dw 21 n Frederick st
Fyer Patrick, grocer, cor Wilk and Eden sts
Fuchenburg George, labourer, Pratt st e of President
Fulword A. L. cor Franklin and St Paul sts