Fulford Henry, jr.e side Front st of Pitt
Fuller & Pasterfield, house plumbers, Saratoga st op St Paul's ch,
Fuller Wm. clerk, Mulberry st 2 doors w o! Paca .
Fuller Philip, police officer, Ross st w of Eutaw
Fuller Thomas, painter, Potter st n of Gay
Fuller mrs E. M. fancy store, 8 e Baltimore st
Fuller capt Horace, Wolf st s of Fleet
Fuller capt Josiah, Market sts of Bank
Fullerton George, drayman, Saratoga st e of Cove
Fullerton mrs Rose, grocer, cor Charles st and Guilford alley
Fulmach Christ.an, cabinet maker, 6 Albemarle st
Fulman Gabriel, fender maker, Boston st Canton
Fulton Moses, drayman, Harford avenue n of Madison st
Fulton John, dw Fayette st betw Liberty and McClellan
Fulton Dr. Roht. e side Sharp st betv Pratt and Lombard
Fulton Thomas H. cotton man. Howard st n of Richmond
Fulton mrs S. spooler, Amity st n of Lexington
Fulton James, 156 Paca st
Fulton James, clerk, Paca st w of the bend
Fumbaugh Henry, blacksmith, Eden st s of Bank
Fumslaugh Adam, labourer, Apple alley s of Alice Anna st
Funk F. H. tailor, Aisquith st n of Madison
Furlong Thomas, 80 w Pratt st
Furlong John, manufacturer of nonpareil writing ink, n e cornel
Liberty and Fayette sts—see advertisement page 5
Furniss E. H. platslerer, Mullikin st ne of Fairmount—see ad-
vertisement pace 27
Fuss John C. tinner, Carpenter's alley w of Howard st
Fuss John, bank watchman, Carpenter's alley e of Eutaw st
Fusselbaugh Wm. paints, oil, glass and paper hangings store,
w corner Gay and Exeter sts
Fussell mrs C. s side Gay st w of High
Fussell raiss H. milliner, s side Gay st w of High
GAARHANT John, labourer, Green willow st near Penn av
Gable John, firm McDowell Sc Gable, dw Exchange hotel
Gable Henry, w side Gay st near Madison
Gadd diaries, fisher, w of Cove st near Spring gardens
Gadd Luther, shoemaker, Hanover st n of Henrietta
Ga[ ] Adam, tailor, corner Sharp and Pratt sts. dw Mulberry
Cohen alley
Gaddes Alexander, marble cutter, s w corner Sharp and Gen
sts, dw 1 door s of yard
Gaddes Wm. Mulberry st 1 door e of Cohen alley
Gade John, coach lace man. 29 n Gay st. dw w side Front st
of Hillen.
Gaehle Henry, piano maker, Forent st near French
Gaffin Patrick, shoemaker, Harford av n of Aisquith st
Gains John, clock dealer, Holliday st s of Centre
Gaither Geo. R. dry goods mt. 199 Baltimore st dw Fayette
w of Eutaw