Frazer Wm. R. grocer, 51 w Pratt st
Frazier John, blacksmith, Camdenst e of Sharp
Frazier John, painter, Saratoga st e of Cove
Frazier Letitia, tavern, Wilk st w of Caroline
Frazier Cornelius, Canton at eastern city limits
Frazier Joseph, turner, corner Bank and Alice Anna sts. dw
Gough w of Bond
Frazier James F. carpenter, Orleans st e of Aisquith
Frazier Joseph, carpenter, Orleans st w of Canal
Frazier David, machinist, Montgomery st e of Charles
Frazier mrs Catherine, Hamburg st e of Light
Frazier Jeremiah, labourer, Fleet st e of Market
Frazier cant James, president F. P. Sav. Inst, dw Fleet w of An
Frazier Walter, drayman, corner Wilk and Albemarle sts
Frazier John, ropemaker, n end Happy alley
Freathofer Dr. Godfrey, corner William and Hamburg sts
Frech Frederick, shoemaker, s side French st e of Exeter
Frederick Wm. shoemaker, L Hampstead st e of Strawberry
Frederick mrs Elizabeth, Perry st w of Charles
Frederick Robert, chairmaker, Gay st opp Ind't Engine house
Frederick Thomas, engineer, Barre st e of Light
Frederick Henry, painter, Gough st e of Eden
Frederwald Jonas, hardware store, 32 Bond st s of Shakspeare
Free Milton, cooper, Conway st w of Howard
Freeberger John, tinner, Pitt st e of Front, dw Exeter near
Freburger George, proprietor Central Hotel, n e cor Mercer
Grant sts
Freeburger Henry, lieutenant of watch, 6 Perry st w of Eutaw
Freeburger mrs Elizabeth, Montgomery st e of William
Freeharty Hugh, s side Sterling st e of Mott
Freeland, Hall & Geese, grocers, 2 Light st wharf
Freeland Thomas H. of firm, dw Pnca st e of L Greene
Freeland Egbert, tobacco dealer, 94 8 Sharp st
Freeman Elizabeth, seamstress, Beuren st near Liberty alley
Freeman Wm. P. block and pump maker, Thames st e of Pratt
Freeman Samuel, tobacconist, Saratoga st w of Howard
Freeman Josiah, carpenter, Harford av n of Ensor st
Freeman Wm. H. attorney at law, Law buildings, St Paul
Freeman John, shoemaker, Mulberry st e of Cove
Freise John, n side Fayette st e of Core
Freitag A. 34 St Paul st
Freitman Moses, tailor, Caroline st n of Wilk
French E. (or Mr. &. Mrs ) prin. of school for both sexes,
rison st w side n of Baltimore
French Wm. butcher, North st near Belvidere bridge
French Matthew, clerk, over se cor Howard and Baltimore
French mrs Mary L. teacher, Hollins st w of Poppleton
French John C. umbrella maker, 88 South st
Freshour Wm. shoemaker, Pierce st e of Chatsworth
Freshour Greenbury, butcher, w side Howard st n of Lombard
Frey Rev. Joseph, Mulberry st 1 door e of Paca