Flowers Robert W. carpenter, e side Forest st s of Orleans
Floyd David I. George st w of Penn avenue
Floyd Joseph, hatter, Armistead lane e of Light st
Flury Waring, sailmaker, Wayne st e of Eutaw
Focke Frederick, firm Brauns & Focke, dw Pitt st e of Front
Focke Charles W. dry goods dealer, Gay st near Potter
Fogadink Harman, labourer, Lee st w of Light
Fogelman George, turnkey at jail, Perry st e of Paca
Fogelman L. H. butcher, Fort avenue Federal hill
Foger Leonard, tailor, Slemmer alley s of Stiles st
Fogersang Edward, cabinet maker, Howard st n of Lombard
Fogleson Henry, tailor, Pratt st e of President
Fogle Charles, tailor, s side Lombard st e of Market space
Fohr Michael, tailor, n side Lombard st e of Charles
Folac Anthony, broker, dw Barre st e of Hanover
Folen Caroline, sewer, e side Light st 4 doors s of Armistead lane
Foley Matthew, feed store, dw Barre st e of Hanover
Foley S. G. Sharp st n of Lee
Folland Mary Ann, grocer, s w corner Alice Anna and Ann sts
Folwell Godfrey G. dye sinker, w side High st s of Hillen
Fonder R. house, sign, and ornamental painter, corner Gay and
Harrison sts. dw Orleans w of Caroline
Fonerdin Dr. corner Fayette and Park sis
Fontaine D. J. artificial flower factory, 24 e Baltimore st
Fontz, John, brickmaker, Eutaw st n of Ostend
Foos James, carpenter, Star alley near Gough st
Foot Lewis H. bricklayer, Forest st s of Madison
Foot mrs Elizabeth, boarding house, w side Front st n of Gay
Forbes Charles P. second hand store, 40 Harrison st
Forbes John M. carpener, dw Madison st near Biddle
Forbes Alexander, weaver, Preston st near Penn avenue
Forbes Harriet, e side Ann st B of Lancaster
Force Dexter C. coachmaker, corner Fayette and McClellan st
Ford capt Lewis, Eden st s of Pratt
Ford E. B. hatter, 32 w Pratt st
Ford ——— waiter. North st between Franklin and Bath st
Ford George, farmer, Ler st w of Hanover
Ford Wm. H. mt tailor, 29 n Howard st. dw Paca near Ross
Ford Wm. rigger, Gibson's wharf, dw Alice Anna st w of An.
Ford Wm. ladies' shoemaker, Mulberry st e of Pine
Ford Thomas, Maryland Arcade, dw Lombard st e of Exeter
Ford Nicholas, carpenter, Clay st e of Howard
Ford Joseph, in county clerk's office, Baltimore st e of Caroline
Ford John, segar maker, Peach alley w of Pearl st
Ford Henry, labourer, Sarah Ann st w of Cove
Ford mrs Ruth, 58 Albemarle st
Ford & Stannard, domestic dry goods mts. 242 Baltimore st
Ford C. W. or firm, dw Lee st between Sharp and Hanover
Ford Thomas, rigger, Orleans st e of Caroline
Ford L, shoemaker, 44 n Eutaw st
Ford & Star, tailors, South st n of Pratt