Fitzgerald M. T. firm R. R. Griffith & Co. dw Franklin st
Fitzgerald Thomas B. firm ditto, dw Courtland st
Fitzgerald Mary, w side Light pt n of Cross
Fitzgerald capt R. B. over 305 Baltimore st
Fitzgerald Mary Ann, tailoress, East st n of Pitt
Fitzgerald Henry, sea captain, Lee st e of Sharp
Fitzgerald Mrs Margaret, Front st n of Lombard
Fitzgerald J. B. s Charles st up stairs
Fitzgibbon Caroline, Pratt st w of Canal
Fitzhugh H W. firm Law & Fitzhugh, dw Saratoga st e of Sharp
Fitzpatrick John M. livery stables, Pitt st e of Front
Fitzpalrick John, bricklayer, Hill st e of Charles
Fitzpatrick John, jr. Hill st e of Charles
Fitzpatrick John, lime and feed store, 3 Hollingsworth st. dw
Hill st w of Charles
Fitzpatrick Dennis, labourer, Lancaster st e of Caroline
Fitzpatrick Andrew, stone mason, Wilk st w of Caroline
Fitzsimmons John N. carpenter, Madison st e of Britton
Fitzsimmons John, carpenter, shop rear 11 e Fayetle st
Fitzsimmons Edmund, labourer, Sarah Ann st e of Poppleton
Flack Rachel, Fayette st w of Howard
Flack G. W. merchant, firm Lilly, Fiack & Lentz, dw Mulberry
st 1 door w of Lerew's alley
Flack Wm. M. s w corner Paca and Franklin sts
Flack Thomas J. distiller, Guilford st w of South, dw Spring st
9 Fountain row
Flaeshman Moses, butcher, corner Alice Anna st and Apple al
Flaherty M. watchman, w side Eutaw st n of Madison
Flaherty Jane, Lombard st 2 doors e of High
Fiaherty James, shipwright, Alice Anna st w of Ann
Fiaherty Thomas, grocer, corner Fleet st and Apple alley
Flamm Peter, confectioner and cake baker, Ball st w of Pearl
Flanagan Patrick, carter, President st n of Fawn
Fianagan And w. firm Caleb Good win &, Co. dw High s of Granby
Flashley Jacob, stone cutter, George st e of Pine
Flaxcomb Wm. engineer, Baltimore st w of Amity
Fleik John, labourer. Strawberry alley 9 of Fleet st
Fleishell Joseph, stone cutter, Wayne st e of Howard
Flemming James, shoemaker, s side Gay st e of Front
Flemming James, tavern, n w corner Patterson and Cable sts
Flemming Patrick, grocer, w side Charles st 3 doors n of Perry
Fletcher mrs Mary, grocer, corner Canal and Jefferson sts
Fletterman John G. tailor, 81 n of Howard st
Fletterman Henry, tailor, Franklin st w of Chatsworth
Fletterman Arnold, Franklin st w of Chatsworth
Flinn John, Chestnut alley w of Pearl st
Flint John, carpenter, Franklin st e of Pine
Flint, Cooke &, Co. dry goods merchants, 177 1/2 Baltimore st
Flood mrs Maria, feed store, Camden st w of Light
Floss Wm. Market st s of Alice Anna
Floss Sarah, fancy millinery, Market st s of Alice, Anna,