Ford J. of firm, s side Salisbury st w of Exeter
Ford Ana, fish dealer, Forest st n of Madison
Ford John D. dry goods store, 2, 4 and 6, Maryland Arcade, dw
corner Granby and Exeter sts
Ford Wm, labourer, Frederick road e of the run
Ford Joseph T. wheelwright, Falls avenue near Pratt st. dw
Pratt w of Albemarle
Ford James C. grocer, corner L Greene st and Burgundy alley
Ford James, ship carpenter, York st w of William
Foreman Valentine, tisher, Eutaw court, (formerly Chamberlain
alley,) opposite Eutaw Church
Foreman Valentine, blacksmith, Ross st near Biddle
Foreman Joseph K. shoemaker, cur Mullikin st & Strawberry al
Foreman ———— L Hughes st w of Light
Foreman Francis, labourer, Hamburg st e of Light
Foreman Ann C. Gough st e of Canal
Foreman Eliza, boarding house, 94 Dugan's wharf
Forest Leonard, blacksmith, Charles st n of Henrietta
Forkenstein Henry, currier, s side Ensor st w of Forest
Forman Mary, Comet st w of Aisquith
Forman Mary Ann, 113 n Eutaw st
Forman Francis, Eutaw st s of Cider alley
Forman Valentine, Chamberlain alley opposite Eutaw Church
Forma n Joshua, Muilikin st e of Caroline
Furman Evan, plaisterer, Holland st e of Aisquith
Forman Joseph R, collector, Pitt st 1 door w of Aisquith
Forney mrs Louisa, n w corner Greene and Fayette sts
Forney Isaac C. coach trimmer, 12 Perry fit e of Paca
Fornshil John, gun and locksmith, n side Ensor st e of Potter
Forrester John, s side Baltimore st w of Poppleton
Frist Wm. carter, Perry st w of Eutaw
Forrister R. well digger, St Mary's st e of Penn avenue
Forsighte Isaac, currier. Ross st near Eutaw
Forster Francis, collector, 124 n Eutaw st
Forsyth Emanuel, several maker, Gibson st near Biddle
Forsythe mrs J. A. Franklin st e of Cove
Forsythe Robert, clerk, 62 Pitt st
Forsythe mrs L. w side Eutaw st near Madison
Forsythe Andrew, sexton 2d Presb. ch. dw East st n of Pitt
Fort Leander, carpenter, dw s e cor Liberty and Lexington sts
Fort Geo. shoemaker, w side Strawberry a! n of Alice Anna St
Fort Simeon, stone culler, Cathedral st extended
Fort Thomas, grocer, Columbia st w of Greene
Fortune James, grate maker, 9 Light st
Fosbenner Daniel, Lee st w of Sharp
Foss Jacob, sawyer, L Hughes st w of Light
Foss Wm. W. cabinet man. 79 w Fayette st. dw Franklin e of
Foss mrs Mary, Franklin st e of Chatsworth [Chatsworth
Fossett John, w side Caroline st s of Pratt
Foster Mahlon, shoemaker, Jew alley near Madison st
Foster——— cabinet maker, w side Charles st n of Pratt