Fischer Geo. N. "Wm. Tell House," cor Pratt st and W Falls
av—see advertisement, page 31
Fischer Gieks, Fell st near Wolfe ,
Fish capt Alien, wharfinger, Belt's wharf, near Wolfe st. dw
Eden st e side n of Gough
Fish Ebenezer, moulder, Wansback st s of Baltimore
Fishach John, plane maker, 96 w Pratt st
Fisher, Miller & Co. com. mts. 1 and 3 German st
Fisher Alex. firm ditto, dw 16 w Fayette st
Fisher Elizabeth A. Saratoga st w of Chalsworth
Fisher Henry, shoemaker, Saratoga st e of Poppleton
Fisher F. locksmith, cor Harrison and Gay sts
Fisher James J. com. mt. 7 Spear's wharf, dw n w cor St Paul
and Pleasant sts
Fisher Albert, engineer, 243 n Howard ft
Fisher Thomas, dyer, 10 s Calvert st
Fisher Abr. stockmaker, Md Arcade, dw Mulberry st w of Pine
Fisher Daniel, tailor, Pearl st n of Baltimore
Fisher John M. gardener, e side Light st s of West
Fisher Henry, turner, Monument st w of Ensor
Fisher Martin, blacksmith, cor Pitt and Exeler sts
Fisher Sarah, tailoress, rear 17 e Water st
Fisher George F. shoemaker, s side Hillen st e of Forest
Fisher Adam, pro'r. Bee Hive tavern, Penn av near St Mary's
Fisher A. F. apothecary, Penn av near St Mary st
Fisher Elizabeth, shop keeper, Douglass st e of Forest
Fisher John A. shoemaker, do do
Fisher Hugh, engineer, Schroeder st s of Hollins
Fisher John M. carter, Hollins st w of Amity
Fisher Wm. blacksmith, York st e of Light
Fisher George, labourer, William st s of Cross
Fisher Mrs S. A. Charles st n of Henrietta
Fisher Wm. A. plaisterer, Charles st B of York
Fisher Michael, labourer, Shakspeare st hetw Market and Bond
Fisher Charles W. labourer, Granby st near E Falls av
Fisher William, labourer, Wnlfe st » of Thames
Fisher Henry, tavern, Ann st s of Lancaster e side
Fisher Conrad, labourer, e side Caroline st n of Fleet
Fisher Abr'm. fancy store, 11 Md Arcade, dw Mulberry st
Fitch Mrs A. 51 w Fayetle st
Fitch Samuel, ropemaker, Harford av n of Aisquith st
Fite Conrad R. firm Tiffany, Fite &, Co. dw w side Sharp st|
doors s of German st
Fitz Henry, daguerreotype likeness laker, over 115 Baltimore s
dw Caroline st e of Pratt
Fitzgerald Samuel, tanner, Raborg st e of Schroeder
* itzgerald John B. druggist, s Charles st No. 1, upstairs,'
Franklin st w of Pearl
Fitzgerald Thomas, dw Franklin st w of Park
Fitzgerald Mrs Mary, Clay st w of Park
Fitzgerald James, ropemaker, w side Light st s of West