Farrall Mrs. s side Lombard st w of Frederick
Farrell Eleonor, Market st s of Fleet
Farrell Wm. watchman, Sarah Ann st e of Cove
Farrell Michael, hair cutter, wig maker & perfumer, 5 Light st
Farrell Margaret, grocer, e side Liberty al near French st
Farrell Charity, seamstress, Ensor st n of Madison
Farrell Mrs Elizabeth Perry st e of Eutaw
Farrell Mrs Sarah, Lee st w of Hanovor
Farren Thomas, labourer, n side Fishmarket space
Farringer C. firm Sliver & Farringer, Constitution st s of Falls st
Farrington Saml. shoemaker, n e cor Eutaw and Lexington sts.
dw Calverton
Farrington John, baker, Pitt st w of Caroline
Farrow Joseph, dry goods mt. 59 Baltimore st
Farsoo John, superintendent of streets and police officer, corner
Fleet st and Argyle alley
Fastbender Chan. P. watchmaker, Pratt st e of Paca
Fastie George, clothier, 24 Thames st
Faucett John, shoemaker, Monument st e of Canal
Faucett Michael, shoemaker, Canal st g of Monument
Faulac Anthony, broker and agrent, Albemarle st n of Fawn
Fauiker Wm. H. tailor, Second st 2d door e of Gray
Faulkner Jonah, clerk, Sharp st s of Con way
Faulkner Elisha, carpenter, German st opposite Pine
Faulkner Belinda, n side Ensor st e of Potter
Fausier Job, carpenter, Pratt st w of Market
Fauih Frederick, gardener, Frederick road, facing Drovers' inn
Favier Peier A. gunsmith, 69 Pratt st
Fay Martin, labourer, Apple al s of Wilk st
Fay Julius A. 29 n Charles st
Fay John, labourer. Neighbor st betw York and Harford avs
Fay Henry, cap store, 23 w Pratt st
Fay F. currier, over 6 e Water st
Fearschel Joseph, shoemaker, Lancaster st w of Market
Fearson Mrs Hannah, 32 Albemarle st
Fearson Mrs Hannah J. 32 Albemarle st
Feast John, florist and seedsman, Lexington st w of Pine
Feast S. proprietor of exotic nursery and seedsman, cor Charles
and Saratoga sts—nursery and dw Franklin st w of Cove
Fedon Francis, mer't tailor, 17 w Pratt st
Feene James, tinner, Pearl st n of Fayette
Fefel Jos. proprietor of Drover's inn, Baltimore st e of Republ.
Feig Andrew, tailor, Caroline st n of Orleans
Feilds James, pilot, w side Ann st n of Lancaster
Feilds James, copper, Phiipnl al w of dough st
Feilds John, mariner, cor Fleet and Ann sts
Feinger Henry, labourer, e side Ann st n of Lancaster
Feinour Charles, ar. dw Lexington st e of Pine
Feinour Edward, lottery broker, 14 w Pratt st
Feinour Charles, lottery office, cor Paca and Lexington sts. dw
Mulberry st betw Pine and Pearl