Fairbanks Js. ship carpenter, Lancaster st w of Ann
Fairbanks Christopher, shoemaker, w side Canal st n of Lombard
Fairchild Wm. tailor, Madison st s of Eulaw
Faister John, carpenter. Chamberlain al opp Eutaw church
Fait Joseph, labourer, s of West st w of Johnson
Faithful Wm. primer, Chatsworth st near Biddle
Faithful W. sweep mast. Franklin st betw Chalsworth and Cove
Faithful Joseph, ml. tailor, 2 s Sharp st
Faithful W. E. B. hardware dealer, w side Penn av 2 doors
of Franklin st dw Chatsworlh st
Faitz Henry, cabinet maker, cor Caroline and Bank sts
Falck M. e side Light st s of Hughes's Quay
Fales James G. pilot, Gough st e of Happy al
Fales S. M. iron (bunder, Charles st City Spring court
Fallbare Mrs Lavinia, n side Hawk st
Fallon Nicholas, labourer, Baltimore st e of Poppleton
Fallen Thomas, labourer, n side Fish market space
Falls Mrs Alexander, Cove st n of Franklin
Falls Moore, w Pratt st e of Howard
Fallum Michael, Raborg st e of Schroeder
Fane Joseph, locksmith, Jasper st near Lexington
Fanning D. O. Pratt st w of Caroline
Fanshaw Charles, 215 Baltimore st. dw Paca st opp Warner
Farburton Wm. tinner, Baltimore st w of Pine
Fardwell Isaac, wood dealer, York st w of Light
Fardwell Seila, tailoress, s w cor Light and Hughes sts
Farind Augustus, harness maker, Aisquith st s of McElderry
Faringer C. firm Sliver & Faringer, Constitution st s of Falls
Farley Alice, 25 Alice Anna st
Farm school, see appendix
Farmer John, keeper of cows, Hnlliday st n of Bath
Farmer Philip, crockery store, n e cor Eutaw and Marion st
and tinner sc cor Eutaw and Lexington sts
Farmer Wm. butcher, Penn av near Dolphin st
Farmers' and Merchants' Bank, Calvert st cor Bank lane H
Farmers' and Planters' Bank, 17 South st H
Farnandis W. jr. attorney at law, Lexinglon st e of Charles
Farnandis Samuel, scrivener, 44 Lombard st opp custom house
Ex. place, dw cor Caniden and Sharp sts
Farnandis & Co. dry goods merits. 141 Baltimore st cor Lo
Farnandis Waller, firm ditto, dw Hanover st w side betw Pres
and Lombard sts
Farnan Michael, labourer, Cross st e of William I
Faror Cornelius, labourer, Happy al e side n of Lancaster st I
Farnen Peter, grocer, cor Alice Anna si and Happy alley I
Farquharson Charles, atrent and collector, office H Fayette*
dw Saratoga st 3d door e of watch house I
Farquharson James, grocer, 61 n Gay st I
Farr Samuel, butcher. Neighbour st betw York and Harford im
Farrall Miss, French aad £n^iah tjorael maker, Lexington st*
of Charles •