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Matchett's Baltimore Director for 1842
Volume 490, Page 160   View pdf image (33K)
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Feiss Demirn, teacher, basement St James's church Aisquith st.
dw e side Constitution st 1 door s of Monument
Feitentrer Peter, labourer, Lancaster st e of Bond
Felde Henry, porter, Harford av near rope walk
Feigner Wm. mt. tailor, 57 Lombard st 6 doors w of Charles
Fell Stephen, ropemaker, Harford av n of Aisquilh st
Fell capt Joshua, Fleet st w of Ann
Fell capt Philip, w side Ann st n of Alice Anna
Fellenk Henry, shoemaker, Alice Anna st e of Wolfe
Fellman George, cordwainer, Lancaster st w of Market
Fell's Point Savings' Institution, 14 Thames st
Female Infirmary, Dr. Roberts, Conway st e of Sharp
Fenby Samuel St Brother, gram and com. mis. n w cor Gay &
Pratt sts. dw S. F. Baltimore st near Exeter
Fenby Richard D. firm diito, dw cor Cough and Pratt
Fenby T. dry goods store, Gay st 3 doors from High
Fenby Peter, grocer, 30 Market st
Fenby's wharf, send McKiderry's dock
Fenby A. M. & Co. grain and com. mts. cor Pratt and Calvert sts
Fendrich Joseph, cooper, Liberty al n of Falls st
Fenn James M. Harford avenue n of Aisquith st
Fennell Maurice, gilder, Mulberry st w of Pearl
Fenner Henry, shoemaker, 73 w Pratt st
Fenner Richard S. accountant, Gough st n of Pratt
Fenny Joseph, firm Merker & Fenny, dw Jasper st 3 doors s of
Saratoga st
Fenton Wm. S. cabinet maker, 91 Fleet st
Ferguson John, labourer, e side Howard st 6 doors n of Perry
Ferguson Alexander, saddler, dw cor Louisiana and Jasper sts
Ferguson Thomas, com. ml. and man'r 68 Bowly's wharf, dw
Calvert st opp City Spring
Ferguson Charles, sawyer, Armistead Line w of William Rt
Ferguson Benjamin, brush maker, n w cor Howard and Fayette
sts. dw Pearl st n of Mulberry
Ferguson W. brickmaker, Giddings's row e of Light st s of West
Ferguson Samuel, weaver, lot n of Sarah Ann st e of Schroeder
Ferguson George, grocer, cor Hill and Hanover sts
Ferguson Benj. W. tobacconist, 9 Franklin st w of State dw
Pearl 1 door n of Mulberry st
Ferguson Henry, tailor, w side Bond st n of Bank
Ferguson James, atty. al law, cor Courlland st and Dark lane
Ferguson R. W. tobacconist, n w cor Gay and Baltimore sts
Ferguson Alex. glazier, Orleans st e of Canal
Ferguson James, Monument st w of Sterling
Ferguson James, com. mt. 1 Light st wharf, dw 75 s Sharp st
Ferguson D. B. e side Eutaw st 2 doors n of Presbyterian ch.
Ferguson Wm. machinist, Lombard st e of Amity
Ferman John, shoemaker, Strawberry al s of Pitt st
Ferral capt Michael, Eden st s of Pratt
Ferry Edward, Hollins st w of Schroeder
Ferry John, firm Davis & Ferry, dw 65 n Howard st


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Matchett's Baltimore Director for 1842
Volume 490, Page 160   View pdf image (33K)
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