Evans mrs Rebecca, Abraham st near Britton
Evans A. D. shoemaker, n side Gay st w of Aisquith
Evans Isaac, Aisquith st n of Orleans
Evart Lewis shoemaker, Neighbour st betw York and Harford av
Evan E. lock and gunsmith, 85 Light st
Evatt C. lock and gunsmith, Howard betw Camden and Pratt
Evatt mrs John, hardware, 9 e Water st
Everett James, fish dealer, Gough st e of Happy alley
Everett George, pilot, Canal st s of Gough
Everett Elizabeth, tailoress, Star alley near Gough st
Everelt James, plaisterer, w side Bond st n of Gough
Everhart George, coachmaker, Constitution s of Falls st
Everhart Conrad, constable, Hamburg st e of William
Everhart Frederick, glass blower, Henry st n of Hughes
Everhart Martin, e side Howard si 7 doors n of Conway
Everist Joseph, cooper, Hillen st. div Harford av n of Madison st
Everisl Thomas, grocer, Lombard st w of Jones's falls, dw 77
e Lombard st
Everist John, cooper, Jefferson st e of Canal
Everhart Jacob, tobacconist, Chamberlain al opp Eutaw church
Everilt Ann J. w side Ensor st n of Madison
Evers John, oil cloth manufacturer, 20 Block st
Ewaltlt D. S. Penn avenue near Union st
Ewalt Philip, carter, Eden lane e of Harford run
Ewalt mrs Araminta, Cider alley w of Paca st
Ewersman John F. grocer, corner Bund and Alice Anna sts
Ewin Scott, printer. Monument st e of Constitution
Ewin John J. ladies shoemaker, corner Pitt and Aisquith sts
Ewin John, mathematical instrument maker, 23 Thames st
Eyras Charier, stone cutter, Hollins st e of Schroeder
Eytinge Samuel, trader, 29 Harrison st
Eytinge S. mt, 4 s Charlet st. d w Frederick 3 doors s of Baltimore
Ezekiel J. W. 103 Hanover st
FACTOR Mrs. Catharine, Yorktt w of Light
Fael mrs M. washer, cor Mullikin st and Strawberry alley
Fagan Joseph, cabinet maker, Paca st n of Pratt
Fagan ——, labourer. Amity st n of Park lane
Fagbeubel Wm. Baltimore st w of Pearl
Fahay Wm. labourer, Davis st n of Pleasant
Faherty John, labourer, Pierce st w of Chatsworth
Faherty Mary, Wilk st w of Bond
Fahnes'tock Jesae, firm Lott Ensey & Co. dw at Mrs Kemp's,
Fayette st n side, w of Pine
Fahnestock P. dw Fayette st w of Pine
Fahnestock Daniel, Monument st w of Park
Fairbank Noah, shoemaker, Baltimore st e of Poppleton
Fairbank capt Noah, of Rappahannock steamboat, dw over 256
Baltimore st
Fairbanks Wm. agent al Depot, dw Pratt st w of McHenry al