Childs Zachariah, carter, Orleans st w of Bond
Childs mrs Elizabeth, German st e of Pine
Childs J. B. grocer, Gay st near East
Childs James, tailor, Paca st w of Warner
Chillison James, blacksmith, Montgomery st e of Charles
Chimm Leonard, labourer, w side Ann st n of Lancaster
Chisholm Henry, police Officer, 10 Hiil st
Christhilf Henry, cooper, Franklin st. dw Paca s of Saratoga
Christhlif Henry, cooper, 15 Franklin st. dw do. near Lexington
Chittenden Harriet, Caroline st s of Pratt
Chiveril A. B. tailor, Eden st n of Mulliken
Chiveril James, w side Bond st n of Bank
Chormann Henry, coachmaker, n side Water st e of Light, dwr
Water w of Calvert
Chrisholm Henry, police officer, 10 Hill st
Christie Mrs. boarding house, s side Fayette st w of Gay
Christie Charles, tinner, w Falls av I door n of Pratt st
Christopher Joseph, watchman, Raborg st w of Cove
Christopher Wm. tailor, Gay st near Aisquith
Christy Henry, weaver, Union st near Ross
Church Edw'd J. carpenter, Aisquith st s of Gay, dwCanal s of
Church mrs R. T. 73 w Fayette st [McElderry
Churches—see Appendix
Church Wm. shoemaker, Forest st near Gay
Churchman Mary, milliner, 63 w Lexinrrton st
Churchman Martha, Spring st opposite eastern fountain
Cinnamond John, cabinet maker, Lexington st w of Liberty, dw
Pine 2 doors s of George
Cinnamond George R. firm G. D. Spurrier & Cinnamond, dw
Cove st n of Fayette
Cissel James, millwright, 2 e of Baltimore st w of Canal
Cisselberger Martin, labourer, Richmond st opp Park
Cisselberger Lewis, Richmond st e of Tyson
Citizens' Bank, 162 Baltimore st
City Hall, Holliday st n of Orange alley, occupied for Mayor's
office—Register's office—City Collector's office—Board of
Health—City Commissioners, Port Wardens, and Asses-
sors' offices—Appeal Tax court office—United Fire De-
partment meeting room—City Council do.—Public School
Commissioners' office
Clackner mrs Rebecca, e side Exeter st s of Lombard
Clackner mrs Elizabeth, Eden st s of Pitt
Clackner capt Joseph, deputy harbour master, 92 s High st
Clagett Thomas, Lloyd st n of Lombard
Claggett Wm. clerk at brewery, dw Pitt st w of High
Claggett EH, brewer, Lombard st e of Jones's falls
Claiborne Charles H. shoemaker, Ensor st near Potter
Clampitt Elias, brass founder, 27 n Frederick st dw corner Eu-
taw and Lombard sts
Clany Jane, w side Bond st s of Baltimore
Clap George C. firm Morrison & Clap, dw High st s of Hillen