Clap Ann, w side High st n of Gay
Clar Ferdinand, box maker, 8 Jackson's court, between Saratoga
and Lexington sts e of Rock
Clare Isaac, grocer, corner Hanover and Lee sts
Clare Thomas J. clerk, Hanover st n of Lee
Clare John, firm Seemers & Clare, dvv Howard si, s of Conway
Clareley Mary, Chestnut alley vv of Pearl st
Clarenden Ann M. seamstress, e side High st s of Low
Clark Matthew, grocer, Baltimore st between Pine and Cove, dw
Fayette w of Pine
Clark James, mariner, e side Argyle alley n of Lancaster st
Clark Patrick, Lexingtonst between Sharp and Charles
Clark Wm. cooper, corner Saratoga st and Bradenbaugh alley
Clark James, locksmith and bell hanger, n Frederick st near Balt
Clark Matthew, coach maker, North st s of Franklin, dw e side
Exeter s of French
Clark B. & E. Brown, carpenters, North st n of Saratoga
Clark Bernard, of firm, dw opposite
Clark Thomas, pilot, w side Exeter st s of Granby
Clark N. s e corner Pleasant and St Paul sts
Clark & Kellogg, commission merchants:, 16 Bowly's wharf
Clark John, of firm, dw Charles st s of Barnet
Clark G. hatter, 44 n Howard st
Clark Patrick, Howard st s of Richmond
Clark Nathaniel, slater, 241 n Howard st
Clark Thomas, mariner, 36 Fell st
Clark Charles, pilot, Fell st s of Thames
Clark John, teacher, Baltimore st e of Poppleton
Clark John, Hampstead st e of Spring
Clark capt Ray S. Wolfe st s of Wilk
Clark mrs Margaret, Pitt st w of Exeter
Clark Wm. custom house porter, Washington st s of Wilk
Clark Benj. J. flour and meal dealer, Canal st n of L McElderry
Clark Cain M. shoemaker, Eden st s of Mullikin
Clark John, wood dealer, Camden st w of Howard
Clark Mary Ann, w side Front st s of Low
Clark G. D. watchmaker, 1 e Water st opp Cheapside, dw 101
Baltimore st—see advertisement page 5
Clark George, carpenter, 138 n Paca st
Clark mrs J. C. e side Paca st near Saratoga
Clark Wm. shoemaker, n side Gay st w of Exeter
Clark Daniel H. shoemaker, Thomson st e of Friendship
Clark Lester S. carpenter, corner Ensor and East sts
Clark Richard, w side East st s of Hillen
Clark Wm. H. flour and feed dealer, e side East st s of Hiilen
Clark Elizabeth, e side East st s of Hillen
Clark John, w side Potter st s of Douglass
Clark miss R. mantua maker, Exeter st s of Gay
Clark John M. machinist, McHenry alley e of Poppleton st
Clark Jehu, blacksmith, Columbia st e of Cove
Clark Wm. labourer, L Greene st s of Conway