Chase Wells, man'rs. warehouse 51 Eutaw st s of German, dw
Chase H. H. comb maker, Convvay st w of Howard, dw Con-
way near Paca
Chase B. storage and com. mt. Camden st 2d door w of Light,
dw Con way st w of Charles
Chase Mrs M. A. corset maker, Henry st n of Hughes
Chase Thorndike, merchant, Thames st opposite Philpot
Chase capt John, Market st n of Alice Anna
Chason capt George, Block st w of Thames
Chasteau capt Louis A. Pratt st w of Exeter
Chatard Dr. P. 21 Saratoga st e of Park
Chatard Dr. F. E. Saratoga st near Park, dw corner St Paul
and Franklin sts [of Light
Chatburn John, keeper of "Baltimore house," n side Mercer st e
Chatman Mary, nurse, e side Exeter st s of French
Chaytor Sarah, w side Howard st s of Lombard
Cheney Reverdy, morocco dresser. Potter st s of Douglass
Chenoweth Oliver, carpenter, Union st near Ross
Chenoweth Thomas, carpenter. Union st near Ross
Chenoweth Richard B. sen. plough Factory, 30 e Pratt st. dw 18
Albemarle st
Chenoweth Richard B. jr. blacksmith and plough maker, corner
Cloughman and Front sts, dw Temple st near Baltimore
CherbonnierP. Ovid, M. D. Lexington st betw Charles &, St Paul
Cherbonnier Peter, professor of French language, Lexington st
Cherry Edward, tobacconist, 97 n Greene st [e of Charles
Cherry James W. shoemaker, Lombard st e of Schroeder
Chesapeake Bank, s e corner North and Fayette sts
Chesborough A. feed store, 3 Bowly's wharf
Chese Wm. butcher, corner Fayette and Republican sts
Chesgreen Charles, labourer, Richmond st opposite Park
Chesholm James, mariner, Wilk st w of Market
Chesney Harriet E. Gay st n of Monument
Chesnut Wm. grocer, cor Pratt and South sts, dw High s of Hillen
Chester Wm. horse shoer, Pleasant st w of North
Chestnut Samuel, cork manufacturer, 40 s Calvert st
Cheston Thomas, carter, Silver st w of Spring
Cheston Jas. & Son, millers, cor Patterson & Cable sts. dw Sharp
Cheston Galloway, dw Sharp st betw Pratt and Lombard
Chettard Wm. cabinet maker, n Gay st 2 doors from Saratoga
Chew Dr. Samuel, 88 n Howard st
Chicken Wm. engineer, York st w of William
Child Mrs. mantua maker, 127 Eutaw st
Child Wm. com mt and coal dealer, 88 Bowly's wharf
Childs Thomas, brickmaker, Charles st s of Hamburg
Childs Wm. mariner, Fleet st e of Ann
Childs Thomas, brickrtaker, Paca st e of Cove
Childs Mary, 62 Market st
Childs Samuel, coach man. 30 n Gay st. dw 21 Pitt
Childs John, carpenter, Hollins st w of Schroeder