Chandlee Lewis, victualler, Ross st near Orchard
Chandler Geo. F. potter, Eden st n of Baltimore
Chandler John K. blacksmith, cor Fleet and Wolf sts
Chandler John, tavern, Wilk st w of Caroline
Chandler Thos. J. shoemaker, Philpot al w of Gough st
Chandler Geo. W. brickmaker, w side Light st s of West
Chancy Samuel, watchman, Sarah Ann st e of Cove
Chaney N. E. weaver, Sarah Ann st e of Poppleton
Chaney Benjamin, constable, at Esq Cox's office, dw Rock st
Chaney Cornelius, Sterling st near Monument
Chaney J. M. millwright, Montgomery st e of Charles
Chaney Benj. whip sawyer, w side Spring st n of Gough
Chany Stephen W. n side French st near East
Chany James, w side South st No. 2, up stairs
Chapin H. D. attorney at law, 42 n Charles st
Chapin P. & Co. plane makers, n w cor Light and Balderston sts
Chaplain Charles, attorney at law, Law Buildings, St Paul st
Chapman Dr John, apothecary, 68 vv Lexington st
Chapman James, machinist, Lombard st e of Bond
Chapman Alien A. firm Kirkland, Chase & Co. dw Saratoga st
e of Lerew's alley
Chapman J. L. apothecary and druggist, 25 Sharp st and South
st 4 doors n of Baltimore st. dw German st w of Howard
Chapman Edward B. 31 w Pratt st
Chapman Mary, nurse, e side Exeter st s of French
Chapman George, glass agency, 42 s Charles Rt
Chappell J. G. dw Lexington st e of Howard st
Chappell J. G. ship. mt. 77 Smith's whf. dw Pitt st e of Front
Chappell Thomas S. firm Boyd & Chappell, dw 32 1/2 w Pratt st
Chariton George, watchman, Harnpstead st w of Caroline
Charles Elizabeth, tailoress. Bank st e of Caroline
Charles Benjamin, teacher, Happy al n of Gough st
Chariton Wm. Strawberry al s of Pitt st
Charlton John, ropemaker, Strawberry al s of Pitt
Charrier Luke, pedlar, Lombard st opp Lloyd
Charron J B. firm Easter, Br. & Co. dw Pearl st s of Fayette
Charter Peter, Armistead lane w of William st
Chartres Thos. cabinet maker, n side Hillen st w of High
Chasaing Edward, dw Franklin st n of Eutaw
Chase Mrs. Lexington st betw Eutaw and Paca
Chase Wm. ladies' fancy shoe shop, Lexington st vv of Park
Chase Daniel, firm Kirkland, Chase & Co. dw Saratoga st e of
Lerew's alley
Chase Alexander H. tavern keeper, 22 n Liberty st
Chase G. W. ladies' shoemaker, Ross st w of Eutaw
Chase Wm. shoemaker, Pine st s of Franklin
Chase Mary, dry goods store, s side Hillen st w of Potter
Chase J. H. shoemaker, 50 n Eutaw st
Chase M. A. corset maker, Low st near Aisquith
Chase Hamilton, comb maker, Conway st e of Eutaw, dw Con-
way w of L Paca