BAR Matchett's Baltimore
Barnum David, prop. City Hotel, s w cor Calvert and Fayette
Barr James, carter, Alice Anna w of Bond st
Barr Wm. dry goods mt. 133 1/2 w Balt st dw High s of Bath st
Barr John, carpenter, High n of Pitt
Barrett Gregory, Pierce st w of Chatsworth
Barrett Maurice, clothing store, 93 n Howard st
Barrett Andrew, blacksmith, Pratt st w of Penn av
Barrett Minnett, carver and gilder, Potter n of Gay
Barrett Asa, bedding warehouse, Penn av opposite Seminary
Barrett Mrs. Eliza, Mercer e of Light st
Barrickman Jacob, mead factory, Ensor st foot of Gallows hill
Barriere Miss Ann,dry goods store, n Gay near Potter st
Barrier Eliza Ann, shopkeeper, cor Potter st and Necessity al
Barringer Lewis L. Butcher, cor Beard st and Long lane
Barroll Jas and Son, grocers and com. mts. 1 Bowley's wharf
Barroll Jas of above firm, dw Pleasant st bet Charles &. St Paul
Barrows James C.rclerk, Charles st near Centre
Barrows E. P. bacon store, Balt st w of Paca st
Barrows Elijah, inspector of Pork,62 Liberty street
Barry John L. Clerk in Franklin Bank, dw cor Exeter & Stiles
Barry James, labourer, alley between Spring and Caroline
Barry &, Hurst, dry goods merchants, cor Balt and Liberty sts
Barry Robt. com. mt, 4 Spear's whf.dw St. Paul's st near Bank
Barry Robt, merch, cor Hanover and Barre. [lane
Barry Daniel R. merchant tailor, 2G n Gay st
Barry John J. clerk, Franklin st e of Chatsworth
tBarry Louisa, Orleans e of Short alley
Bartlett Isaac, grocer, 24 Philpot street
Bartlett James, boat builder, Wills st 6 of Block
Bartlett William, rope maker, WoIf near Gough st
Bartlett B. R Saddler, Cove st s of Vine
Bartlett Geo. & Co. leather mts cor Cowpen al and Howard st
Bartlett George, of above firm, dw Eutaw n of Fayette st
Bartlett William, piano forte man. cor Eutaw and Fayette Sts
Bartlett Mrs. Mary, mantuamaker, cor Hill and Charles sts
Bartlett Mary Ann, Potter st s of Necessity alley
Bartlett William E. & Joseph druggists,76 s Calvert st
Bartlett William E. of above firm, dw cor Pratt and Eutaw
Bartman Christopher, 10 Lancaster st
Bartol George, coach maker, Calvert s of Bath st
Bartol B. N. & R. Curriers, 16 Cheapside
Bartol Nathaniel, of above firm, dw 68 Eutaw st
Barton Selah, ship joiner, Star al near Gough st
Barton John Pinkney, st e of Strawberry alley
Barton Mrs. Cornelia, Bond n of Pratt st
Barton William, bricklayer, e Water st near Harford run
Barton Godfrey, painter, Bond n of Pratt st
Barton Thomas, Granby st e of Gough st
Barton James, shoemaker, Pinkney st w of Apple alley