Director for 1887. BAR
Barker Elizabeth, Franklin st w of Saratoga
Barker Henry J. clerk, Ross st e of Eutaw
Barker Mary, grocer,corner Burgundy alley and Green st
Barker Lewis, carpenter, e Water st w of Harford run
tBarker Basset, shoemaker, Potter w of Douglass st
Barkerwitch Charlotte, milliner and manuta maker, 67 Bond st
Barkley Edward, copper, Pratt w of market
Barkley Mary, Milliner, 43 Pratt st e of Sharp
Barklie Mrs. Jane, Bolton Row, Biddle st
Barkman Christopher, 10 Lancaster st
Barkman Mary 15 Thames st
Barling Joseph, Exeter between, Balt and Pitt st
Barlow Thomas, cabinet maker, Caroline n of Balt sts
Barnaby Mrs Sophia, Strawberry al near Alice Annast
Barnard Jas. Lime store, Light st whf. dw Geo. w of Penn, ar
Barnard Sarah, tailoress, 57 Potter st
Barnes Mrs. Hannah, baker, 153 Bond st
Barnes Mrs. boarding house, Fayette st e of Holliday
Barnes James, Wheelwright, Balt e of Cove st
Barnes Philip, clock manufactory, 283 w Baltimore st
Barnes James, Iron founder, Federal Hill opposite Telegraph
Barnes John H. Carpenter, 3 Cheapside dw 16 Pitt st
+Barnes IsabelIa,Busy alley e of Sharp st
+Barnes Willam, Carter, Wolf 1 door from Fleet st
+Barnes Ann, washer, Short al w of Canal st
+Barnes James, labourer, Short al w of Canal st [ment
Barnet Wm. clothing store, 110 n Howard dw Hd. n of Monu-
Barnet Daniel, att at law, office Court house lane dw 150 Sharp
Bamet Wm. stone mason, Potter s of French
Barnet Sylvester, labourer, 81 s Howard st
+Barnet Perry ship carpenter, Washington st s of Wilk
+Barnet George, Sawyer, Guilford alley w of Light st
+Barnet John, stevadore, 1 Salisbury alley
Barnett Wm. clothing store, 118 n Howard st
Barnett Mary A, washer, Perry st w of Howard st
Barnett and Allen, carpenters, Sharp st n of Barre
Barnett Mrs. Mary, boarding house, Pratt e of Caroline
Barney John H. custom house officer, 15 Pitt st
Barney L. &, J. buiscuit bakers, Block st near Drawbridge
Barney Lewis, 61 Charles st n of Saratoga [Pleasant
Barney John, mt exchange building 18 Gay st dw Calvert near
Barney Lewis & John 26 Exchange Buildings
Barney Robert, millwright, 5 Canal st s of Baltimore at
tBarney Henrietta, Sugar alley near Light st
tBarney Wm. sawyer, Strawberry al n of Pratt it
Barnhart John, organ builder, York av near Monument it
Barns Henry, Strawberry al n of Gough st
tBarns David, waiter, Lloyd st near Salisbury
Barnum T——, tavern, 11 n Howard st