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Director for 1837. BAX
Barton Henry, dairy, 72 Harrison st
Barton Mrs. Mary, tailoress, centre st near the Bridge
Barton William, currier, Water st w of Certre Market space
+Barton Basil, labourer, Williams st near Cross st
+Barton Nathaniel, carter, Exeter near Gay
+Barton George, sawyer, cor Gay and Frederick Sts
+Barton Henry, sawyer, Market st extended
Barton Mrs. Mary, Granby st near the Falls
+Bark Margaret, Low st s of Potter
Bassford W. chairmaker, 13 Thompson st
Bassford Thomas, teacher of male free school, Courtland, st
Bastian John B. botanic garden, Lexington st w of Rock st
Batchelor, William, watchman, Preston s of Ross st
Batchelor Nathaniel, sail maker, Albemarle s of Wilk st
Batchelor Joseph corner North and Saratoga Sts
Bateman B. H. W. city Bailiff, 76 Bond st
Bateman Mrs. Catharine, Eden s of Gough st
Bateman Benjamin, tobacconist, cor Pratt st and Strawberry al
Bateman Mrs. s w cor of Light and Montgomery sts
+ Bateman Edward, drayman, Canal near Orleans st
Bates, John, cordwainer, Amity n of Balt st
Bates Robert, weaver, Biddle w of Ross st
Bates John, grocer, cor Pinkney st and Strawberry alley
Bates Jacob, blacksmith, Falls near Buren st
+Bates Rachael, washer, Davis near Bath st
+Bates Jane, washer, Chesnut al e of Chatsworth st
Bathurst Matthew, mt 28 Water st dw North near Lexington
Batteran Andrew, fisherman, York avenue
Battes John, waterman, Johnson near Cross st
Baltic R. H. tobacco merchant, Hanover s of German st
Battike Joseph, gardner, Philadelphia Road
Battin Zachariah, labourer, Wilk st opposite High st
Battinfield Christian, shoemaker, 6 Bond st
Batty Thomas, labourer, Harford Avenue
Batty Joshua, Rock n of Lexington st
Batty Eliza, shopkeeper, 113 n High st
Baugher Joseph, dw Fayette e of Pine st
Baughman Jacob, carpenter, Vine st w of Cove st
Baughman John, cabinet maker, 57 s Charles st
Baughman George, merchant, 62 Eutaw st
Baughman & Bevan, marble cutters, cor Park & Franklin sts
Baum Samuel, carpenter, Mulberry e of Pine
Baum Mary, Pearl st e of Saratoga
Bauman Melcher, shoemaker, Light near Lee st
Baumont Mrs. A. boarding h Monument square n of Fayette st
Baurgelt Jacob, cordwainer, Eutaw n of Mulberry st
Bausman John, cor Liberty &. German sts
Bawden John, tailor, 16 Caroline s of Pratt it
Baxley Dr. Willis, Fayette st near Paca |
Volume 489, Page 57 View pdf image (33K) |
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