Director or 1837 TlL
+Thompson Charles, labourer, Frederick st near Etna lane
+Thompson David, sawyer, Exeter st near Huine
Thompson Robt, labourer, Eastern Siiore Row near Conway st
++Thompson Jacob, labourer, Honey alley w of Hanover st
Thompson Edward, hackman, Caroline st n of Pratt
Thompson Alexander, Strawberry alley n of Gouli st
Thompson William, Bishop's alley near Pratt st
Thompson Chloe, Wolf st s of Fleet
++Thompson David, drayman, Lerew's alley s of Franklin st
++Thompson Pompey, labourer, Little Sharp st s of Barnet
++Thompson William, steam boat hand, Forest st n of Aisquith
+Thompson Temperance, white washer, Sugar al. e of Chartes st
Thornburg Margaret, s Sharp st s of German
Thorne Thomas, blacksmith, Harrison st near Gay
Thornton Samuel, tailor, Canal st near Orleans
Thornton E. A. purser in navy, Fayette st w of Eutaw
Thornton Rev. Thomas, 8 Green st s of Franklin
riiornton John, carpenter, William st n of Cross
Thornton John, hackman Sharp st s of Saratoga
Thorpe William W. tin manufacturer, 1 s Eutaw st
Thorpe William, bricklayer, Sarati Ann st vv of Poppleton
Thorpes Joshua, bricklayer, Saratoga st w of Cove
Thorpes Wm. druggist, 6 Howard st s of Saratoga, dw 135
Three Tuns Tavern, s w cor Pratt and Paca sts [Eutaw
Threkeld, Elijah, rope maker, Pinkney st e of Market
Thrush Nicholas, comb maker, Green st s of Conway
Thuinberneck Anthony, labourer, Spring st s of Gouh
Thurston Phineas P. confectioner, cor Pratt st and Cheapside
Thuston David auctioneer, Madison st w of Howard
Tiahn Philip, cordwainer, New st e of Lonh alley
Tibbals Mrs Susan, tailoress, Potter st n of Gay
Tice Ann Maria, cook shop, Bath st e of Davis
Tidings Mrs Susan, Harford avenue
Tidings Leonard, rope maker, Harford avenue
Tidings Lewis, butcher, Orleans st e of Caroline
Tiernan Charles, Lexington st w of Charles
Tiernan Patrick, grocer, 4 s Charles st. dw 98 Park st
Tiernan Luke, dw cor Charles and Fayette sts
++Tiernan Patrick, labourer, Lerew's alley s of Franklin st
Tiffany Henry, wholesale com. domestic warehouse, 205 W Balto.
Tiffany, Shaw & Co. wholesale com. domestic warehouse, 199 1-2
w Baltimore sst
Tiffany, Ward & Co. wholesale com. rats. 1 & 2 Lorman Row
Tiffany O. C. merchant, dw Franklin st e of Park
Tiffany Comfort, dw 35 Charles it
Tilden Thomas E. merchant tailor, 182 Baltimore st. dw Liberty
+Tilghman John, Apple alley near Alice Anna st [near Marion
+Tilghman Hester, 11 Salisbury alley
+Tilletson Mentor, porter, Pierce st w of Pearl