THO Matchett's Baltimore
Thompson Samuel, cabinet ware room, Baltimore st 2d door from
Harrison and 13 Harrison st. dw 13 Harrison st
Thompson Thomas, carpenter, Ensor st near Mott
Thompson Samuel, cordwainer, Pnsor st 11 of Monument
Thompson Elias, Ensor st n of Monument
Thompson Parker, oak cooper, Falls st near Constitution
Thompson Thomas jr. chair maker, Mott st near Gay
Thompson Wm. fisherman, York avenue near Monument st
Thompson Henry &, Son, com. mts. 41 s Gay st
Thompson Henry, merchant, dw e Baltimore st w of Aisquith
Thompson Mrs Ann, sempstress, Commerce st n of Pratt
Thompson J. S. Hollins st s side
Thompson Thomas F. carpenter, 100 Eutaw st
Thompson Richard, carriage lamp manufactory, Fayette st w o
Thompson David H. Paca st n of Franklin [Howar
Thompson Allen, ship carpenter, Sharp st s of Hill
Thompson Harrison, weaver, Richmond st e of Howard
Thompson Thomas, sawyer, Chapel alley n of Pleasant st
Thompson .lohn, carpenter, Henrietta st w of Charles
Thompson Alexander, shoe maker, Monument st e of Eden
Thompson William, candle maker, Monument st e of Eden
Thompson Joseph B. tobacconist, Market spnce, dw 5 Pitt st
Thompson James, com. mt. 2 O'Donnell's whf. dw 53 Pitt st
Thompson George, grocer, 55 Pitt st
Thompson Mrs Mary, cor East and Douglass sis
Thompson John, seaman, East st n of Halfmoon alley
Thompson John, painter, Mulliken st w of Strawberry alley
Thompson James, mariner, Orleans st e of Caroline
Thompson James, plaisterer, Forest .st e of Aisquith
Thompson Joseph, bricklayer, Forest st e of Aisquith
Thompson Mary, 61 Aisquith st
Thompson Ann M. dry goods store, 122 n High st
Thompson James, mariner, 62 n High st
Thompson Samuel, secretary Balto. Insurance Co. dw e Balt
more st e of Aisquith
Thompson and Spaulding, com. agents, 18 Commerce st
Thompson D. and VV. saddlers, harness and trunk makers, '2
Thompson Chas, drayman, Salisbury st w of Canal [South
Thompson Wm. wheelwright, 6 Yanklin row
Thompson W. A. tlw Franklin st e of Chatsworth
Thompson Samuel, tobacconist, Pine st n of Pierce
Thompson Mrs Ann, sempstress, Pine st s of Saratoga
Thompson Edward, bricklayer, Mulberry st w of Chatsworth
Thompson John, 51 Pearl st
Thompson Richard, watchman, 29 Vine st
Thompson John D. dw North st s of Pleasant
Thompson William, coach maker, Harford av near Madison
+Thomspon Ann, Alice A mm st near Bond
+Thompson Mary, washer, Perry st e of Eutaw