TON Matchett's Baltimore
Tillman James, superintend't Custom House, dw Courtland at
+Tillman Emory, labourer, French st near Potter [near Mulberry
+Tillrnan James, labourer, Welcome alley w ef Hanover st
+Tillman James, labourer Pearl st s of Saratoga.
+Tillman Mrs Ann, 17 Barnet st
Tilyard Martha, Saratoga st e of Chanes
Tilyard H. W. dentist, Eutaw st n of Lombard
Tilyard J. W. dw 5 Saratoga st
Timanus George, 45 n Liberty st
Timanus Charles, stone mason, 23 New Church st
Timmons John, market master, 48 s Howard st
Tims Benjamin, shipwright, 86 Bond st
Tindle Robert, boot and shoe manufactory, Light st whf. near
Barre st. dw Hill st near Light
Tindell James, cordwainer, Mulberry st e of Pine
Tinges George W. 54 s High st
Tinges William, storekeeper, 2 Saratoga st
Tinker Frederick A. shoe maker, Hampstead st
Tinkler Thomas, cedar cooper, Gay st near Front
Tippelt Edwvard, engineer, Low st n of Exeter
Tippett George, stone cutler, 6 Poppleton st
Tishmeyer Frederick, grocer and vinegar manufactory, East st
Tile Ann, Wolfst n of Alice Anna [near French
Titgen Martin, suar refiner, cor Mercer and Grant Sts
Titlie Jeremiah, merchant tailor, 21 South st
Tobacco wharehouse, state, see pae 15
Tobin Mary, tailoress, Park Sts of Lexington
Todar William, stocking manufactory, Neighbour st near Har-
Todd Mrs Sarah, Philpot st e of Willis [ford avenue
Todd Peter, carpenter, 11th st n of Stiles
Todd Daniel, carpenter, Harford avenue
+ Todd Sarah, Potter st s of Gay
Todhunter Joseph & Co. wholesale dry goods mts. 205 w Bal-
Todhuntor Joseph, Sharp st n of Lombard [timore st
Tolan Thomas, shopkeeper, 5 Mercer st
Tolbert Harriet, sempstress, Hillen st near Exeter
Tolbert Leatly, Bath st Court
+Tolbert Julia, Canal st near Orleans
Toldridge B. hair dresser and wig maker, 149 Baltimore st
Tolson Joseph, ship joiner, Bank st e of Market
Tolson Haram, hackman, Bond st extended
Tomkins Joseph, merchant, Spears wharf, dw 150 n Howard st
Tomlinson William, boat builder, end of Spear's wharf, dw 124
Toner Markin, 4 Perry st [Hanover St
Toner John, coach maker, Harford av. near Monument st
Toner Mrs Mary, Potter st n of Hillen
Toner Dennis, morocco dresser, French fit near Bath
+Toner Isaac, labourer, German st w of Pine
Tonge Mrs Ann, Albemarle st n of Pratt