Director for 1837. THO
Thomas Sterling, butcher, Holland st w of Long lane
Thomas & Co. dealers in hardware and saddlery, 196 Balto. St
Thomas Mrs D. S. 45 s Charles st
Thomas Rachel, Potter st e of Gay
Thomas Levin, labourer, Orleans st e of Caroline
Thomas Rodger, pilot, Orleans st w of Caroline
Thomas, Henry, clerk, McElderry's st e of Aisquith
Thomas James, cabinet maker, Low st n of Exeter
Thomas Mrs Margaret, 95 n Exeter st
Thomas Mrs Jane, 130 n Exeter st
Thomas Jos. turner, McClellan's alley near Fayetie st. dw opp.
+Thomas Richard, carter, w of Cove st s of Franklin
++Thomas Harriet, labourer, Saratoga st extended
+Thomas Hazel, drayman, Park lane e of Amity st
+Thomas James, labourer, Perry st e of Eutaw
+Thomas Isaac, sawyer, Lerew's alley n of Monument st
+Thomas Perry, sailor, Lerew's alley n of Sara toga st
+Thomas Gustavus, baker, Little Sharp s f s of Saratoga
+Thomas Wm. porter, Comb alley w of Hill st
+Thomas Terentius, labourer, Welcome alley w of Hanover st
+Thomas Sarah, sempstress, Short st n of Orleans
+Thomas Mabal, Hamburg st opp Telegraph
+Thomas Mrs. Centre st w of St. Paul
+Thomas John, labourer, Centre st w of St. Paul's
+Thomas Lucrelia, washer, Conway st e oi' Hanover
+Thomas Clara, washer, Columbia st. e of Howard
+Thomas Alexander, white washer, Hanover st n of Montgomery
+Thomas James, blacksmith, Sharp st n of Lexington
+ Thomas Sarah, washer, cor Liberty and Marion Sts
+Thomas William, drayman, Lerew's alley s of Franklin st
+Thomas Maria, Apyle alley s of Baltimore st
+Thomas Richard, carter, Bank st e of Ann
+Thomas Rachel, Spring alley near Wilk st
Thompson Robert, grocer, n w cor Ann and Lancaster sts
Thompson Capt. Alexander, s w cor Ann and Lancaster Sts
Thompson William, shipwright, Wilk st n of Washington
Thompson Ann, Argyle alleys of Wilk st
Thompson ————, waterman, Bond st s of Wilk
Thompson Edward, wheelwright and blacksmith, 65 Bond st
Thompson William, shipping master, 27 Bond st
Thompson John, labourer, Bank st near Happy alley
Thompson James, customs, 14 Alice Anna st
Thompson John, lumber inspector, Exeter st n of Wilk
Thompson James, labourer, head of Howard st
Thompson Mrs Catherine, e Baltimore st e of Eden
Thompson Joseph, grocer, cor Park st and Wagon alley
Thompson Charles, grocer, cor Sharp and New Church sts
Thompson Mrs Ann, dress maker, Calvert st n of Bath
Thompson Mrs Ann. Saratoga st Court near Holliday