same shall be left upon the premises taxed, and he shall, unless
the same be paid by the first day of January succeeding, levy
and collect the same with all costs by the distress and sale of
real and personal property of the delinquent at public auction,
after giving at least ten (10) days' notice of such sale in some
newspaper published in Montgomery county. The non-presen-
tation of such tax bill shall not affect the validity of any pro-
ceedings to enforce collection of taxes. The President of the
Board of Trustees shall deliver to the purchaser at any tax
sale, as hereinbefore provided for the collection of taxes, a
deed of the property so sold, which shall be presumptive evi-
dence that all requirements of the law have been complied with
in making such sale and deed, but the delinquent taxpayer shall
have the right to redeem at any time within two years by pay-
ing the unpaid taxes and costs and the legal interest and ten
per cent, thereon.
SEC. K. That the County Commissioners of Montgomery
County at the time of the annual tax levy for this year and
each succeeding year thereafter, are authorized, directed and
required to make a special levy of said amount as may be men-
tioned in the petition hereinafter referred to, each one hun-
dred dollars ($100) of the whole of the assessable real and
personal property of the part of the village of Chevy Chase, in
Montgomery county, which lies east of the Board Branch and
Brookville roads, as hereinbefore described, to be collected as
other taxes in said county are collected, and to be paid over by
the said County Commissioners to the Treasurer of the Chevy
Chase Improvement Association upon his giving bond for the
faithful performance of his duties, to be approved by the judge
of the Circuit Court of said Montgomery County, in such pen-
alty as such judge shall fix, to be used by said association ex-
clusively for the betterment of the streets, roads, sidewalks,
parkways, drainage, sanitation and other improvements in
said part of the village of Chevy Chase, and for the furnishing
of police protection and public service, including the removal
of ashes, garbage and other refuse for the benefit of the resi-
dents thereof, provided fifteen (15) or more persons residing
in said part of the said village and owning such taxable prop-
erty therein, shall, prior to each annual levy, petition said
County Commissioners, asking such special levy to be made;
and in said petition stating the amount desired to be specially
levied; provided, the same shall not exceed the sum of forty
(40) cents on each one hundred dollars ($100) of assessable
property as aforesaid; provided further, that the Board of
Trustees of the Village of Chevy Chase shall be under no obli-
gation to spend any of the money under their control for pub-
lic purposes for the creation or betterment of roads, streets.