for municipal purposes, the said contract and the payment
thereunder to be in consideration of the use and enjoyment of
the streets and roadways of said municipality, and said other
utilities as said Club may use and enjoy; also to enter into a
contract with the Chevy Chase Land Company, by virtue of
which the said Company shall pay to the village of Chevy Chase
the sum of one thousand dollars ($1,000) annually for a period
of three (3) years for public purposes of the village, and in
consideration thereof shall not be charged with taxes upon so
much of the land in Section 3 and between Grafton street and
the property of the Chevy Chase Club as shall be used for
sewage purpose so long as they shall be so used.
SEC. j. And on or before the first Monday in June, 1910,
and each third year thereafter the Board of Trustees shall
appoint three assessors, freeholders of said village, who shall
under its direction make an assessment of all the real and per-
sonal properly in said village except such as is included within
so much of the area of said village as lies east of the point
where the Broad Branch road crosses the boundary line of the
District of Columbia, and continuing with said road in a north-
erly direction to its junction with the Brookeville road, and
north along said road to the most northern boundary of the
land embraced within said village, and make return within
thirty (30) days after their appointment to the Board of Trus-
tees of their list, and the Board of Trustees shall immediately
thereafter levy a tax on all said property so returned, not ex-
ceeding fifty (50) cents on each one hundred dollars' ($100.00)
worth of said assessable property as so assessed in any one
year, and. all taxes so levied shall be a lien on any and all
property of the persons against whom they may be levied, and
any person may appeal from the valuation of said assessors to
the Board of Trustees, who shall meet on the first Monday in
July after said assessment, and remain in session from day to
day as long as may be reasonable, to hear and determine said
appeals, and shall give reasonable notice of said meetings, and
shall increase or reduce said assessment as they may deem just
and equitable. All taxes levied by the Board of Trustees shall
be due and payable immediately upon the levy thereof at the
office of the Treasurer, and those ordinances providing for the
levy of taxes shall of themselves constitute authority for the
same, and no other warrant or evidence of authority shall be
required. Within ten (10) days after notification to the Treas-
urer of the making of such assessment, he shall return to the
person named therein an account or tax bill showing the
amount due by him, if he be a resident of the village; and if
he be a non-resident, and in consequence thereof cannot con-
veniently be served with said account or tax bill a copy of the