sidewalks, parkways, drainage, sanitation or other improve-
ments in said part of the village of Chevy Chase, or for fur-
nishing of police protection and public services; all the provi-
sions, however, of Section o shall be in force as to all property
lying east of said Board Branch and Brookeville roads, except
that the repair to macadamized streets and sidewalks, cross-
ings and gutters shall not be charged aginst the general fund
of the village, but shall be paid out of the moneys coming to
the hands of the Treasurer of the said Chevy Chase Improve-
ment Association; provided, further, that there shall be paid
annually by the County Commissioner's of Montgomery County
to the Treasurer of the said Chevy Chase Improvement Asso-
ciation, on or before the first day of January, 1911, and on or
before the first day of January in each and every year there-
after, the full amount of road tax levied or imposed upon the
assessable real estate within the limits of Chevy Chase lying
east of the Broad Branch and Brookville road, as hereinbefore
set forth.
SEC. L. That the County Commissioners for the county, jus-
tices of the peace, sheriff, constables, and all the county and
State officers shall have, hold and exercise their offices and
jurisdiction in said village as heretofore, except as qualified
by the other sections of this Act. The County Commissioners
of Montgomery County shall, on or before the first day of Jan-
uary, 1911, and on or before the first day of January in each
and every year thereafter, pay to the village of Chevy Chase the
full amount of road taxes levied or imposed upon the assessa-
ble property within the corporate limits of said village, except
so much as is hereinbefore provided shall be paid to the Treas-
urer of the Chevy Chase Improvement Association.
SEC. M. Whenever a majority in and of the owners of the
land of the part of Section 4 of a subdivision made by the
Chevy Chase Land Company, and not embraced within the
boundaries of the village, or the majority in area of the owners
of the omitted land bounded by a line one hundred and twenty-
five (125) feet south of Grafton street, the Rockville turnpike
ond the District of Columbia line, shall, in writing, ask that
their land be embraced within the bounds of said village, it
shall be the duty of the Board of Trustees to pass an order,
and they are empowered so to do, extending the bounds of said
village so as to include the same, and such lands and the occu-
pants thereof shall thereafter be subject to all the provisions of
this Act.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted. That for the purpose of deter-
mining whether said plan as hereinbefore set forth shall be
operative, au election, as provided in Section one (1) hereof