by electric or other mechanical motive power not involving the
use of coal, upon the cars, engines or other vehicles or convey-
ances using the same and to regulate the same as to speed,
headlights, grades, crossings, paving between and outside of
tracks, and otherwise to require and compel said line or lines
of railway to keep in repair the roadbed and the crossings
through which or over which the said cars run, and to compel
and require any railway line or lines using the same to main-
tain lights at the street crossings on Connecticut avenue and
Chevy Chase Circle.
SEC. G. The Board of Trustees may adopt measures and
regulations for the use or occupancy of the streets, avenues,
reservations, and parkings of said village by railroad, tram-
way, vehicle, telegraph, telephone, electric lighting or power
lines, or gas or water conduits or mains, poles, wires and other
public utilities, and may impose upon any individual or cor-
poration so using the same a reasonable annual rental for the
use of the said franchise for any of the purposes above men-
tioned, and such conditions and regulations as shall secure the
best public and private convenience; and they shall provide
for the enforcement of such conditions and regulations.
SEC. H. The Board of Trustees shall have power to pur-
chase, lease, receive or acquire by condemnation, or otherwise,
such real and personal property as the Board of Trustees may
deem necessary or proper for municipal purposes, including
public athletic fields and children's playgrounds, and to con-
trol, dispose of and convey the same for the benefit of the vil-
lage; to purchase, lease or erect and maintain such building
or buildings for municipal purposes, as they shall deem neces-
sary and proper; to construct, maintain and operate public
works for supplying the village with artificial light, water or
other purposes which they may deem necessary, proper and
beneficial for said village, and to contract with any person or
persons, corporation or other authorities, for supplying said
village and the inhabitants thereof with water, gas or electric-
ity, and in addition to pass such ordinances as may be neces-
sary for said purpose.
SEC. i. That the village of Chevy Chase, through its Presi-
dent and Board of Trustees shall have authority to enter into
a contract, in writing, with the Chevy Chase Club for the pay-
ment by said Club of the sum of one thousand dollars ($1,000)
annually for a period of ten (10) years from the date of said
contract, and for the payment of two thousand ($2,000) dollars
annually by the said Club for the additional period of fifteen
(15) years, the said sum to be expended by the President and
Board of Trustees of said village and their successors in office