building regulations not to conflict with those already so es-
tablished by deed or contract affecting land placed within or
hereinafter to be admitted to the limits of the village; for pro-
hibiting the carrying of concealed weapons and the discharge
of firearms, torpedoes, and other explosives, or preventing
swine, cattle, fowls, dogs, or other animals from running at
large on the streets; for regulating the use of the streets by
vehicles of all kinds; for the protection of the health of the
village; for the suppression of gambling, vice and ignorance;
for protecting the purity of the water supply of the village of
Chevy Chase, and for raising revenue to meet current expenses,
subject to the limitations hereinafter expressed, and such other
ordinances are usually are within the power of municipal cor-
porations as well as all ordinances necessary to enforce the
foregoing provisions, which may be enforced by reasonable
fines and penalties not exceeding twenty-five dollars ($25.00)
as may appear to said Board of Trustees right. They may re-
cover such fine or penalty by an action of debt, and in addi-
tion thereto may cause the offender to be imprisoned until the
fine be paid or for a term not exceeding thirty (30) days im-
prisonment in the County Jail of Montgomery county and the
sheriff of Montgomery county shall receive and confine any per-
son so committed.
SEC. E. The Board of Trustees shall have power to establish
the grades of the streets, gutters and sidewalks of said village,
fix the width thereof, prescribe the material of which the same
shall be constructed, and cause them to be graded, paved, or
otherwise improved and in the matter of opening new streets,
grading, paving, and improving the same the grading, paving
or improving streets already opened but not graded, paved or
improved and in the matter of parkings, trees, and shrubbery
along the same or laying or paving sidewalks, curbs, water
mains or sewers on the same shall assess the cost of such im-
provement against the abutting property and the tax so as-
sessed shall become a lien against the property abutting on
said street or streets, sidewalks, in proportion to the frontage
of said lots, and said tax when so assessed by the Board of
Trustees may be recovered at law in the manner provided for
the collection of other delinquent taxes under this Act. The
Board of Trustees shall order improvements upon any street
as herein provided, on petition of two-thirds of the property
owners residing upon said street, provided, that all repairs to
macadamized streets and all repairs to sidewalks, crossings
and gutters shall be a charge against the general fund of the
village, except as hereinafter provided.
SEC. F. The Board of Trustees shall be empowered to an
thorize the use of the streets or avenues for railroads operated