treasurer, and every three years a board of three assessors,
together with such other employees as may be deemed by it
necessary, and shall fix their compensation where in the judg-
ment of the Board of Trustees, any should be made, and pre-
scribe their duties, with power to acquire of them bonds for
the performance of such duties, with proper security to be ap-
proved by the Board of Trustees, the treasurer in all cases to
be bonded. The Board of Trustees and officials selected by
them, before entering upon their respective offices, shall take
an oath that they will diligently and faithfully perform and
discharge the duties of such office. The Board of Trustees
shall give due notice of each annual meeting to be held on the
first Monday in May of each year after 1910 by notice to be
posted in five (5) conspicuous places in the village for two
weeks prior to the date of such meeting.
SEC. e. The President shall preside over the deliberations
of the Board of Trustees, and shall see that the ordinances of
the village are enforced and shall have power to try all cases
which may be brought to him for the violation of village ordi-
nances. He shall receive the fees allowed a Justice of the
Peace in similar cases and an appeal from his judgment where
the demand or fine exceeds twenty-five dollars ($25.00) may be
taken to the Circuit Court of Montgomery county, which shall
hear and determine the matter, as upon appeal from a Justice
of the Peace.
SEC. D. That the Trustees may provide by ordinance for the
good government of the village, for the preservation of the
peace and order therein, and for securing to the residents of
said village all rights of person and property to which they are
by law entitled; for the surveying, grading, paving, repairing,
draining, laying out, extending, opening, closing, -straighten-
ing, or relocating any of the streets, sidewalks, or alleys in said
village and may condemn or purchase the right of way for any
street or alley which it may determine shall be opened for the
public good; the pjocess of condemnation to conform, so far
as may be, to the condemnation of property for roadways by
the Commissioners of Montgomery county as authorized by
law, for the removal of nuisances and of obstructions from
streets, lanes, parkways, and alleys, and secure the cleanliness
and good order of the streets, sidewalks, parkings, drains, sew-
ers or water courses, and regulate speed limits on all thorough
fares; to provide adequate street lighting and fire protection,
and provide for the sprinkling or oiling of thoroughfares, and
cause the owners or tenants of property to keep sidewalks in
front thereof clean and to remove snow and ice therefrom, and
to trim the hedges so that the same may not extend over the
sidewalks; to protect song birds, to establish building lines and