the name and style of the village of Chevy Chase; with all the
powers and privileges of a body politic and corporate, and by
said corporate name shall have perpetual succession, sue and
be sued, plead and be impleaded in any court of law or equity,
may have the use of a common seal, and may hold real, per-
sonal, and mixed property when the best interest of the town
may so demand.
SEC. B. That all residents of said village, possessing the
qualifications as prescribed for voters by the law of the State
of Maryland, and all male residents, owners of real estate of
said village, and who are taxpayers therein, not less than
twenty-one years of age, and who have been bona fide residents
of said village for not less than six (6) months next preceding
the village meeting election at which they shall vote, as herein
provided for, shall, on the first Monday in May, 1910, and every
year thereafter on the same day, and at eight o'clock P. M.
meet at the Library or Town Hall in Chevy Chase, or after
1910 at such place as shall be designated by the Trustees, and
there, from their body elect four persons, who with a President
to be elected by the voters at the same time, shall act as a
Board of Trustees for said village for a term of one year from
the date of such election, or until their successors are elected
and qualified, and who shall serve without compensation. The
qualified voters present at such village meeting shall determine
for themselves how the meeting shall be conducted, who shall
preside over the same, and the method and form to be followed
in electing said Board of Trustees, the Chairman and Secretary
of said meeting shall, over their signatures make after the year
1910 to the Board of Trustees, due returns of the election de-
claring who was elected as such Board of Trustees, and the
said Board of Trustees shall promptly determine any and all
questions that may be raised by any person objecting to said
returns, and any person considering himself aggrieved by any
decision made by said Board of Trustees may appeal there-
from to the Circuit Court for Montgomery county, which court
shall hear and determine such appeals and decide the same,
determining who shall pay the costs thereof, and its decision
shall be final. If any vacancy exist in the Board of Trustees,
it shall be filled for the unexpired term by vote of its remain-
ing members. The Board of Trustees shall adopt all rules and
by-laws for its own government while in session, and shall meet
regularly not less than once in each month, a majority consti-
tuting a quorum for the transaction of business. The Board of
Trustees shall elect a bailiff who shall be conservator of the
peace and good order of the village, being vested with the same
powers and authority of any constable under the laws of this
State, and shall also elect a village clerk, who shall act as